Founders Television

The Internet: Making Us More Dumb Since 1972

todayFebruary 21, 2013 4

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    The Internet: Making Us More Dumb Since 1972 ClintStroman

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    The Internet: Making Us More Dumb Since 1972 ClintStroman


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    The Internet: Making Us More Dumb Since 1972 ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – “Sources? We don’t need no stinkin’ sources on the internet!” That seems to be the motto of many so-called “journalists” online (also called tweeters or bloggers) who simply repeat what the saw or heard on The Blaze or Glenn Beck without actually checking any of their facts.  The internet has given us a wealth of information but it has also made us very lazy when it comes to checking that information to see if it is true or not. So the next time you get a forwarded e-mail from one of your friends with hundreds of addresses in the “To:” box, either take the time to check the “facts” contained within that e-mail… or just delete it.  Be sure and check out today’s Founders TV for more…


Written by: ClintStroman

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