Founders Television

Interview with Brion McClanahan on Forgotten Conservatives In American History

todayJune 6, 2012 7


McClanahan: We could use a lot more conservatives like Democrat President Grover Cleveland and his veto pen!

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    Interview with Brion McClanahan on Forgotten Conservatives In American History ClintStroman


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Video –Today on the Post Show Show we have an interview with Brion McClanahan discussing his newest book, available AUTOGRAPHED by the author “Forgotten Conservatives in American History”! Topics such as: Scott Walkers victory, Obama’s spontaneous fundraiser appearances, and Bill Clinton being pro Obama can be seen here.  Become a Founder’s Pass member to listen to the entire interview and watch the Post Show Show!

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    Interview with Brion McClanahan on Forgotten Conservatives In American History ClintStroman

   Brion McClanahan

Book Description: An education on conservatism. This series of essays defines the American idea of conservatism as adapted from European society. In tracing its evolution from the country’s beginnings, conservatism is defined as sound money, light taxes, low debt, states’ rights, and decentralization. Chapters examine men like Grover Cleveland, the last conservative president; John Taylor, the best political thinker of the Jeffersonian tradition; and Sam Ervin, the last constitutionalists.

Through the words and actions of men, readers will find an understanding of American conservatism from the founding generation to the present.

Written by: ClintStroman

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