The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – After nearly TWO YEARS of development, and the Founders Pass are proud to present the Founders Pass Media Player!. This player was built from the ground up with one goal in mind: delivering the Past, Present and Future Sound Clips from Mike Church in one place, with a simple but powerful interface. Now, for the first time ever, Mike’s audio creations will be gathered in fully customized player that operates in the background, independent from all other web-based content, meaning, you can listen and continue to browse anywhere you need to go on the internet. The player is fully searchable by categories such as The Daily Clip and Project ’76 Webisodes and by Topic Tags like” DeceptiCON, Obama and [r]epublican! But don’t let us try and convince you with mere words, give the player a try and you will see and hear for yourself.
The Founders Pass Media Player will eventually have hundreds of titles for you to enjoy and of course that number grows nearly every other day. The player has been tested to run on all browsers and operating systems and most Smartphones and tablets too, so you can take it with you wherever you travel. Best of all, if you are a Founders Pass Member, there is nothing else to purchase and no software to download, just open the player up and listen as you like. If you’re not a member, why not give the player a spin, all our preview clips and some long form features too are available to all. But why be satisfied with PREVIEWS!? Memberships start at just 17¢ per day and include The Founders Pass Media Player, you can sign up in just a few moments by clicking here.
We’ll be adding lots of content over the next few weeks, so be patient, but there’s already lots to listen to including all of Mike’s Philosophia Perennis Chatroom Discussions featuring David Simpson and Brother André Marie of the St Augustine Center. Below you will find helpful graphics that demonstrate the simplicity but power of the Founders Pass Media Player. We’d love to hear your feedback on this major step forward in this site’s quest educate, entertain and inspire.
Written by: TheKingDude
PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Social media was full of men pretending to be mothers. These groomers shared pictures of their families, and created posts that celebrated their motherhood. Mike Parrott has a few examples of how these […]
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