
Iowa Kids Attend “Bullying” Counseling To Get Counseled Into Turning Gay

todayJuly 29, 2015 4



Pre-Order Mike Church's Restoration of Washington Irving's Life of Washington
Pre-Order Mike Church’s Restoration of Washington Irving’s Life of Washington

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let us now go to the heartland, shall we, to the agrarian stronghold that is Altoona, Iowa.  How many of you know where Altoona, Iowa is?  Here’s the headline, “Parents outraged after middle schoolers attend LGBTQ sex conference.”  You’ve got fifth, sixth, and seventh graders attending conferences allegedly to learn how to not tolerate the bullying of their transgendered, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer classmates and then wind up talking about and learning how to properly execute “lesbian anal sex.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let us now go to the heartland, shall we, to the agrarian stronghold that is Altoona, Iowa.  How many of you know where Altoona, Iowa is?  Here’s the headline.  There are several news sites that have this.  Daily Caller has it.  The Blaze has it.  There are several that have it.  It actually comes from  Here’s the headline, “Parents outraged after middle schoolers attend LGBTQ sex conference.”  You’ve got fifth, sixth, and seventh graders attending conferences allegedly to learn how to not tolerate the bullying of their transgendered, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer classmates and then wind up talking about and learning how to properly execute “lesbian anal sex.”  But don’t worry about any of this, folks.  Trumpzilla is out there and he’s going to fix all of this because he’s one of us.


“Concerned Citizens” are petitioning Iowa’s Humboldt School District to prevent students from attending the Iowa Safe Schools conference after realizing it’s more about

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

gay sex than bullying. [Mike: Did you hear this? The Iowa Safe Schools conference.]

The group of concerned parents and citizens in Humboldt believe it’s “a gross misuse of taxpayer money” to send students to the conference after several came home disturbed by the graphic, profanity-laced presentations delivered at the event in Altoona this April, WHO TV reports.

The “Iowa Governors Conference on LGBTQ Youth” April 3 was billed as an anti-bullying summit aimed at fostering understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ youth, but when they arrived they soon learned there was a lot more going on.

[end reading]

Mike:  I would like to know — I want to ask you people in Iowa a question.  Why is your governor hosting conferences with these maniacs?  Remember the story that we read on the show last week that we talked about — I don’t think we had a guest on this.  I think it was just me talking about it.  It was Anthony Esolen and how to respond to these things.  The first thing you got to do is get your kids out of there.  If this is happening where you live, get them out of there.  You have to pull an Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie Predator: Get out, get out! Get to the chopper!  You have to go.


“There were only two sessions (among the more than 20) that had anything to do with bullying. It’s a conference teaching kids how to: how to be confidently homosexual, how to pleasure their gay partners – one session even taught transsexual girls [Mike: Whatever that is.] how to sew fake testicles into their underwear in order to pass themselves off as boys,” one attendee told The Family Leader.

The conference revolved around the narrative that it’s normal to be homosexual, [Mike: It most certainly is not. Good grief.] and speakers shared their personal stories about their trials as gay students and the experience of coming out.

[end reading]

Mike:  All of this fixation on all of this unnatural sexuality must happen because our opposition — and this is instinctive, too, by the bye.  Our opposition to these unnatural behaviors must be conquered.  Once your opposition to these unnatural behaviors as conquered, anything then that is unnatural is palatable.  That means that man can then insert what it is they wish for you to believe and you’ll believe it and you’ll act upon it and you’ll do it.  This is how soldiers can be convinced and trained and how populations can then tolerate the execution of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens in their own streets.  This is how you do it.  But keep believing that this is just so people can feel good about themselves and can partake equally in the joys of marital bliss.  Sure, it is.


Speakers included one person who wore a dress made of condoms that could be “used as needed,” and another who shared their experience of finding an orgy online. One session focused on binding girls’ breasts and using hormone treatments to delay puberty, The Family Leader reports.

The father of a Des Moines senior told the site his daughter was “absolutely distraught” by the material at the conference and felt bamboozled by organizers who misled attendees about the focus of the event.

“She thought she was attending this conference to learn how students can be supportive of their homosexual peers, how they can bring unity to her school. She went thinking it was going to be on bullying, and she wanted to learn how to be more supportive, inclusive and accepting,” the father said.

[end reading]

Mike:  I have to ask the question.  Dad, you really fell for this, really?  You sent your kid to this to basically be programmed by a bunch of sodomists?  For heaven’s sake, man.  You see, folks, this is where the repetitiveness of pointing out the error is what causes this, error in thinking.  Once you start with errors in thinking because you have now departed from the Truth, what is to bring you back?  If you’re not seeking to get back to the path of Truth, then you’re going to continue in error.  This is not going to fix itself.


“When she got there, it wasn’t really on bullying; it was basically a sexual education class for same-sex couples,” he said. [Mike: This is happening in Iowa, by the way.] “It was crude. One presenter told students who asked whether anal sex hurt that, as a lesbian, it really depended on how big the device is that their partner straps on.”

Several parents expressed concerns about the capstone speaker, a drag performer who goes by Coco Peru.

Peru apparently put on quite an explicative-laden performance and attempted to incite students to vandalism against those who oppose his/her lifestyle.

“People suck. They don’t give a f— about you. People thrive on smashing our pride to the ground. People that suck, f— you,” was Peru’s catchy little tune.

The performance ended with advice to students that if they see a bumper sticker that reads “It’s Adam and Eve for a purpose,” they should “Reach down inside yourself and give them a blessing … then slash their tires!” [Mike: Is any of this sinking in?]

Other “performers” at the conference were equally disturbing, the Des Moines father said.

“My daughter went to listen to the comedian, Sam Killermann, thinking it would at least be funny,” he said. “But instead, Killermann explained how pleasurable it is for gay couples . . . [Mike: I can’t even read the rest of this.] [/private]

This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.
This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.

“It’s totally unacceptable, above and beyond anything we should have our children subjected to. It was over the line, especially for a conference supported by prominent Iowa businesses.”

Bob Vander Platts, president of The Family Leader, told BizPac Review he believes many parents are likely unaware of the conference’s content.

“If Iowans heard this, Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, they would be outraged,” he said. [Mike: They’d be outraged or a little bit. Then they’d go back to fantasizing about the wonders of a Trumpzilla presidency and all would be well.]

The conference was sponsored by the Principal Financial Group, Nationwide, Office Depot, and The TJX Companies, Inc., which owns T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, and Sierra Trading Post, The Family Leader reports.

State Rep. Greg Heartsill sent letters to hundreds of Iowa’s K-12 educators to request more information about the material presented at the conference, and about two-thirds responded with a variety of opinions, the Newton Daily News reports.

“About 10 school districts reported paying for students and staff to attend the conference; either their registration fees, transportation, or both,” Heartsill said. “Most of the replies provide the information that was requested without commentary. One superintendent that had students attend, said that none of his students/staff found anything objectionable at the conference, and was speculating that the allegations may have been overblown.

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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