Pile Of Prep

Iran: Bombed If You do; Bombed If You Don’t

todayJune 20, 2012 6


Rand Paul: If anyone thinks I will bail on my principles opposing unconstitutional wars, because I endorsed Romney, you are mistaken

VIDEO: Ron Paul sniffs out the war mongers getting ready to pounce on Syria without authority

Editorial: ObamaCare will live on like the Zombie it is REGARDLESS of the

When the US government creates a computer virus that destroys private information and property they call it heroic when a hacker does it they call it a crime

Meanwhile, Glen Greenwald continues to point out the absurdly arrogant “position” of official Mordor on this Iranian nuke matter: We will bomb them if they get one or if we think they have figured out HOW to get one

The Industrial News Complex continues its pathetic presentation of “official statements” as news instead of actually doing due diligence and discovering the facts.

Yank newspapermen now openly hope John McCain will ride to the British fleet’s non-rescue and blow those Russian tankers shipping helicopters bound for Syria, to kingdom come

Gingrich: This is the most important election of our lifetime so elect Romney because he will act like me and save us all from ourselves

DeceptiCONNED: Romney insists that not only will he bring no experience in politics to the White House but his VEEP-Marco Rubio-Will round out the rookie sensation ticket bringing even less

Gary Johnson is polling 7% in CO, enough to cost Romney the election there and if he gets in any of the debates, look out Ross Perot

BHO is a Fascist NOT a Socialist by Thomas Sowell

Tom Woods reposts a golden oldie video of why sweat shops are good for the economy when employment is scarce (like right now)

Written by: TheKingDude

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