Ireland: So They’re Gonna Get A Bailout, Aren’t They?
todayNovember 23, 2010
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(Audio) Mandeville, LA – For a moment, just for a brief moment today, we are allowed to take a well deserved and much needed break from the monotony of all of our ridiculous economic woes and politely point and laugh at Europe and their surmounting fiscal disaster that’s frothingover the side of the mug. In particularly we’re discussing the economicfate of the Irish. There was once a time where Ireland along with therest of that European mass over there stood alone in their currency, until they ditched all their sovereignty in the name of the European Union and what is spent today as the Euro.
Now,back to reality folks, let’s all hold hands and skip the pond togetherback to the Young Country where unfortunately we are not immune to theissues Europe is currently dealing with. If the only country in theEuropean Union making a profit is Germany are they then responsible forbailing out the rest of the Union, specifically Ireland? Doesn’t soundvery fair at all. So, do we as citizens of the Red, White and DudeNation have the responsibility of bailing out the careless fiscalactions of California, New York and Pennsylvania? Folks, every bailoutcomes out of our pockets….feel that? It’s Leviathan’sgrasp….getting tighter by the day.
Related Material: Hear about another sad excuse for a bailout, and perhaps a glimpse of where we’re headed. Dig this from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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