
It Didn’t Take 200 Years To Go This Far Off Course

todayOctober 5, 2012 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Well, I don’t think it took 200 years to get this far screwed.  There is something to be said for someone (hint, hint) writing and producing a movie that has as its feature that Patrick  Henry and George Mason were successful in defeating the ratification of the Constitution in Virginia, which would have defeated ratification in New York, and probably would have defeated ratification in toto.  What would have happened?  Then the three-fifths compromise on slaves never would have been met.  You don’t know then what would have happened in the 1810’s, ‘20s and ‘30s with the Missouri Compromise.  You don’t know what would have come after that.  You don’t know that Southerners would have made it their — the life of their men and young men basically was to defend their system of economics, which had slavery at its center.  They were compelled to do so.  They had no choice in the matter, save for all becoming impoverished themselves.  Of course, the industrial revolution was right around the corner and they could not have known that. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Sam, hello.

Caller Sam:  How are you, Mike?

Mike:  All right.

Caller Sam:  First of all, the debate, there is no argument there.  Romney took Obama’s record, weaponized it, and bashed his eyeballs out with it.  He did a phenomenal job.  I want to throw out a quick question.  I’m one of those guys that’s very lukewarm with Romney, still not completely sold.  I am part of the “anybody but Obama” crowd, so I won’t deny that.  It’s taken this country 200-plus years to get totally screwed up.  I would argue with anybody about that.  Obama was talking about fundamental transformation of America.  We’ve already been fundamentally transformed, he just owned up to it and grabbed onto it and took it to the next level.  How long will it take — is Romney the guy that can at least turn it around and start pointing it in the right direction?  If it took 200 years to get this far screwed, how long will it take to get back?

Mike:  Well, I don’t think it took 200 years to get this far screwed, more like — I suppose you could say that.  There is something to be said for someone (hint, hint) writing and producing a movie that has as its feature that Patrick  Henry and George Mason were successful in defeating the ratification of the Constitution in Virginia, which would have defeated ratification in New York, and probably would have defeated ratification in toto.  What would have happened?  Then the three-fifths compromise on slaves never would have been met.  You don’t know then what would have happened in the 1810’s, ‘20s and ‘30s with the Missouri Compromise.  You don’t know what would have come after that.  You don’t know that Southerners would have made it their — the life of their men and young men basically was to defend their system of economics, which had slavery at its center.  They were compelled to do so.  They had no choice in the matter, save for all becoming impoverished themselves.  Of course, the industrial revolution was right around the corner and they could not have known that.

If you want to say when things got off the track, my friend Brad Birzer posits — he writes at The Imaginative Conservative, a history professor at Hillsdale College — posits that the writing of the Constitution was the high-water mark of the United States, not the ratification of it.  I don’t know, sir.  Does it take 200 years?  I don’t think so.  I think you can get your morals and your virtue back today if you accept Christ into your heart.  Governor Romney also said something that I thought was very moving last night.  AG, can you find the word “moral” in your transcript?  He talked about spending money, that our spending habits are not financial in nature, they’re amoral.  I was at home going, “Yeah!  Finally somebody said it.”  Then I was chatting in my chat room, “I dare you to say virtue!” which he didn’t do.

I think you can fix much of this in less than a generation.  I think you could fix it in less than a year.  Stop being an immoral you-know-what hole.  Stop spending money that’s not yours.  That’s your children’s money.  They don’t even have a say so in the matter.  Stop spending other people’s money.  Just don’t accept it anymore.  It’s tough love medicine.  There are many of us out there that call ourselves “us.”  [mocking] “Mike, we get it.  We’re on your side.  We’re on the side of the founders.”  Well, start acting like one then.  Act like John Taylor of Caroline.  When Taylor of Caroline was informed that his buddy James Monroe was going to elected president, he basically wrote Monroe a letter and said: I will now be in the minority, sir.  I am not your friend or your boy.  You do something that contravenes the Constitution or republican principles and I will be the first one to point it out and rail against you.  Do you think a guy like Taylor would have accepted a federal grant, should it have been appropriated by the Monroe administration, to build a library in his name?  I bet you he wouldn’t.  Jefferson went through the struggle of trying to find funds to open up the University of Virginia.  The Virginia legislature basically kept telling him no, but Jefferson was undaunted.  Do you think Jefferson would have accepted a federal grant?  I bet he wouldn’t have.

If you want to get back to the way [r]epublicans and men of virtue and character acted, start acting like it.  If someone presents you with a federal handout, [mocking] “Mike, I gotta feed my kids.”  Get a job working at McDonald’s then.  Move into a smaller place.  Learn how to care for each other again.  That George Carlin bit about bombing brown people, at the end of it he said, “We can’t get healthcare to our old people, can’t educate our young people, but we can bomb the crap out of your country.”  Folks, we have so many things upside down.  Much of what we have upside down is a matter of character.  A good, virtuous, moral people do not steal from their neighbor.  They don’t let their government steal from their neighbor and then accept it because it has the government sanction of approval on it.  It was still taken from your buddy down the street.  Maybe if more of us conscientiously objected to having our wealth stolen from us at the point of the IRS’s gun, the point would be driven home.  Your buddy down the street is in jail because he didn’t want his money taken from him.  Do we need 10 million Irwin Schiffs to be locked away for conscientious tax objection?  I don’t know.  I do not subscribe to the 200 years to unravel what a lack of virtue, morals and character has created here.  I don’t buy it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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