
It Is A Hostile Take Over

todayJune 1, 2015 6


Gays Don’t Want In The Boy Scouts, They Want Christians OUT

Jeff Wallace's In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author
Jeff Wallace’s In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Because we can’t define words any longer, and we don’t have definitions, and we don’t have objective truth, and we certainly don’t pursue it in our civilized public affairs, what happens?  All of a sudden now the term “equal” means things, or people think the term “equal” means things that it doesn’t.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Because we can’t define words any longer, and we don’t have definitions, and we don’t have objective truth, and we certainly don’t pursue it in our civilized public affairs, what happens?  All of a sudden now the term “equal” means things, or people think the term “equal” means things that it doesn’t.  It can’t possibly mean those things, yet here we are witnessing yet another entity assaulted by a mere one percent of the population.  Here sits former Christian America with vast majorities of people in its numbers, and it is incapable of stopping these atrocities, these moral outrages?  We’ve got a lot of trouble here, folks.  That Benedict Option thing is beginning to look better every day.  There’s more on this.  Back to the story:


Two years ago this week, the BSA, one of the country’s largest and oldest youth organizations, decided to break 103 years of tradition by allowing openly gay members into its ranks.

[end reading]

Mike:  Big mistake.  Once you surrender the principle, it’s all battles until you lose the war.  If you’re not going to fight for the principle that you stood for, and instead you’re going to fight for the other guy’s principle, then the other guy is going to win the war.  You’re fighting for his principles then.  You’re not fighting for your principles any longer.  I know people that have actually pulled their boys out of the scouts.  They’re not scouts anymore.  There’s a Catholic entity, if you’re interested in this, called the Knights of St. George.  That’s a boys organization that was begun – I don’t know if it was begun, but I know it picked up steam when all this stuff with the scouts happened.


The controversial move was approved by more than 60 percent of the approximately 1,400 votes cast by the BSA’s national council. But the Scouts’ ban on gay adult volunteer leaders and paid staff was not reconsidered.

[end reading]

Mike:  I have a question.  Why just let gay adult staff in?  We want them all.  One sexual deviance is no different than another.  We want the trisexuals, the bisexuals, the transsexuals.  Wait a minute, if we’re all about equality here, we need to let the polygamists and the polyamorists and all the rest of them – wait a minute, I forgot about the pedophiles.  Yes, we cannot deny pedophiles access to all this equal fun, can we?


Human Rights Campaign, a champion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality, called Thursday’s announcement heartening.

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

[end reading]

Mike:  Folks, I’m going to say this again and I’m going to keep plying this theme and I’m going to keep writing about it and talking about it until I can’t talk anymore, or until I’m unable to talk anymore.  There is diabolical force behind all this.  This is nothing short of Uncle Screwtape getting his way.  A civilization that cannot create the next generation of itself, any plant or animal species that cannot make the next generation, or, more specifically, will not make the next generation, is not going to survive.  The animals may have something over us on this one, huh?


“But, as we have said many times previously, half measures are unacceptable,” —

[end reading]

Mike:  See, there’s no compromise with these people.  Either your kids go totally all in and accept all homosexuality as it is inside the Boy Scouts, or the Knights of Columbus next, or whatever other organization these people wish to destroy, or we’ll put you out of business.  You won’t be allowed to operate.  We’ll get judges to rule that you can’t have your little ban and you can’t have your pledges and you don't_be_a_gaysistcan’t have your oaths.  If a private entity like the Scouts can’t do this, then under what conditions will the private entity that acts very publicly, like the Church, why would they be able to continue their acts?  What isolates and separates – [mocking] “Mike, we have separation of church and state.”  We had, allegedly – of course, that was the fatal error.


. . . HRC president Chad Griffin said in a statement. “It’s time for BSA leaders to show true leadership and embrace a full national policy of inclusion that does not discriminate against anyone because of who they are.”

[end reading]

Mike:  I want you to think about that.  Now, that guys is at least being honest.  Let me read this to you one more time so you’ll understand what’s afoot here.  If you think that you’re insulated with this because you live in small town, redneck America, think again.  They draw no lines, no distinctions.  There are no borders when it comes to this.  Remember, it is he who hates all of mankind that is behind this.  What is his ultimate goal and purpose?  It is to annihilate mankind.  Why?  Because the supreme being that kicked him out of Heaven, Almighty God, chose us over him.  This is his payback.  It’s always been the gambit.

You think about this.  There is no time in the history of civilization since our Lord walked this earth when more souls are in jeopardy of falling like snowflakes into Heaven than the current age.  Is there anyone that will stand up to these people, that will stand up to Him?  People say they’re depressed.  Don’t be depressed about the human condition.  Humans are prone to this.  Be dismayed by the fact: Where are the saints?  They’re out there.  Perhaps it’s not just time to call up the reinforcements.  Listen to this one more time.  The Human Rights Campaign is behind this move against the Boy Scouts of America, if you’re just joining us.

Remember, the goal is not to get homosexuals into the Boy Scouts, it’s to kill the Scouts.  They want that oath dead.  They want that oath removed.  They want that moral code out of here.  It must be eliminated.  Anyone that believes in that code, they must then be eliminated so there won’t be a code.  Again, let’s review, there’s nothing equal about Boy Scouts.  Boys that join the Scouts and excel aren’t equal.  They are superior to their peers in this regard.  They have chosen a path that is more difficult than the ones that others have chosen.  They have chosen to serve God and country and to pursue a morally straight life.  They haven’t chosen to go fall off into sin.  They haven’t gone down the path of licentiousness and all these other things.  They are not equal.  In other words, there’s nothing equal about it.  To put your child into this, invest your time and hope into this, some of your faith and charity, and you’re hoping that your kid is involved in something that makes him not equal, especially in regards to the condition of his eternal soul.

Here is Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin laying it on the line and telling anyone that will listen what is really at play here:



“But, as we have said many times previously, half measures are unacceptable, especially at one of America’s most storied institutions,” HRC president Chad Griffin said in a statement. “It’s time for BSA leaders to show true leadership and embrace a full national policy of inclusion that does not discriminate against anyone because of who they are.”

[end reading]

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It’s Spring! Order your Jefferson REVOLT t-shirts today!

Mike:  What about the kid that shot up Sandy Hook?  Can you discriminate against him because of who he is, Mr. Griffin?  What about the maniac that shot up the theater at the Batman movie.  He was a high schooler at that time, or fresh out of high school.  Can we discriminate against him?  What about the kids that are out there conducting live sacrifices of dogs and cats?  Can we discriminate against them?  Insert your criminal, felonious element here.  Can they be discriminated against?  It starts off, [mocking] “We just want a little inclusion here.”  Then at the end of the day, you find out they don’t want your organization to exist.  They don’t want the Scouts to exist specifically because of that oath that I read to you.  It’s the oath that they’re after.  It’s not the Scouts.  They don’t care about the Scouts.  It’s the oath that they want removed.  Let me read it to you again.


FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike


This is from the BSA, from their official website,, the Scout Oath:


Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

[end reading]

Mike:  That doesn’t sound like a very equal kid to me.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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