
It’s A Human Right To Shower With The Opposite Sex

todayMarch 29, 2016 7


Teachers Union Back Transgender Bathrooms Bill

My story of americaMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “I wanted to proceed to this latest atrocity, which isn’t really an atrocity.  It will become the norm very soon here.  “Teachers unions back bill allowing adult males to shower with young girls in Massachusetts.””  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I wanted to proceed to this latest atrocity, which isn’t really an atrocity.  It will become the norm very soon here.  “Teachers unions back bill allowing adult males to shower with young girls in Massachusetts.”


“An Act Relative to Gender Identity and Non-Discrimination” would add “gender identity” to the state’s protected classes able to access all public facilities, such as private changing areas. Lawmakers specifically exempted “lawfully sex-segregated facilities” when it passed a 2011 ordinance granting transgender people protected legal status, but included school restroom facilities.

[end reading]

Mike:  What’s happening here with this is just a continuation of a rejection of that there is even now a natural order.  America is so done.  We should be so done with it.  It’s so done when it comes to the supernatural order.  That one is done.  Katy bar the door and seal it shut.  It’s over.  There’s no sense in even arguing or fighting over it any longer.  Now we’ve moved on to the next apostasy and the next heresy, which is we’re now going to repeal that there’s even a natural order.  There is no order other than what homosexuals, abortionists, and whatever –

David Simpson:  Whatever deviant.

Mike:  We don’t even care.  Child molesters, rapists, it doesn’t matter.  We’re going to have whatever order and whatever authority we want.  We’re not going to get it from you.  Some people are going to go, [mocking] “That’s just a one off.  It’s not going to happen.”  You wanna bet?  You watching?  Watch this.  Colorado H.B. 16-1185 filed February 3 of this year, “Gender Identification On Birth Certificates.”


Under current law, a person born in Colorado who seeks a new birth certificate from the registrar of vital statistics to reflect a change in gender designation must obtain a court order indicating that the sex of the person has been changed by surgical procedure and ordering that the gender designation on the birth certificate be amended . . . The bill repeals that provision and creates new requirements for the issuance of birth certificates in cases of changes to gender designation.

Under the bill, known as the 2016 Birth Certificate Modernization Act, [Mike: We’ve got to modernize birth certificates now, folks. You can’t just rely on: Let me hold that kid up. Yep, that’s a girl. No, we’re Americans. We’re so far beyond that.] the state registrar shall issue a new birth certificate with a different gender designation to a person who was born in this state when the state registrar receives:

A written request from the person . . .

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

[end reading]

Mike:  What happens when they change their mind?  What happens if they change their mind six months later and go, [mocking] “You know, this whole chick thing is really not working out for me.”  Does the registrar have to go: Well, I’ve got a letter.

Simpson:  They’ll get another nasty letter, so you might as well.


. . . a statement, signed under penalty of law, from a medical or mental health care provider licensed in good standing in Colorado . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Give them a couple years.  [mocking] “Colorado, you can’t possibly expect us to find licensed and good standing people.  Just on the witness of one person, how about that?”

Simpson:  What is good at that point?  I’m here to offer —

Mike:  Hold on.


. . . A person is not required to obtain a court order for a legal name change in order to obtain a new birth certificate with a change in gender designation. The bill creates a process for a person [Mike: Note, for a person, not a human. We’ve now taken human, which is of the natural. We’ve now removed human and replaced it with person.] to update the person’s name on a birth certificate at other times than the issuance of the new birth certificate.

[end reading]

Simpson:  So –

out of order bathroom (gender neutral)Mike:  Wait a minute, I’m not done.

Simpson:  Just a little interlude here.  Solutions, right?  They’re erasing the natural order rapidly.  Mike and I, in our little goofy, stupid way said we’re going to band together.  This kind of flows into the whole withdraw your consent.  We’re going to band together locally, find some guys who say they believe in the Christian religion, and we’re going to have a moral order amongst us.  We might even move into proximity with one another and raise our flag and say: This is our new republic.  I still think, by the way, that’s really the only alternative we have at this point, to create a few cells of the body of Christ that actually have life in them, that want to exist.  Then all I can think of is the Vendee.  Whenever I think about our solution, it’s going to be we start becoming vibrant, we start to build, we create a little area that’s prosperous and happy and holy and all these wonderful things.  Then the revolution comes by and says: Yeah, you can’t do that over there.

Mike:  By the way, your priest has to sign this.

Simpson:  Yeah, you can’t do that.  That’s not good.  You’re being too good over there.  We’ve got to stop that.

Mike:  Unfortunately, of course, for us, the priest probably would sign.  Most of them would go: Don’t shoot.

Simpson:  Don’t want to lose my 501(c)(3) status.

Mike:  I don’t want to lose my tax-exempt status.

Simpson:  What’s evidence number three?

Mike:  For those of you saying, [mocking] “That’s just an outlier, Mike.  That’s not going to happen.  Just crawl back into your little Catholic hole.”  This is from May 26, 2015.  Here is the headline from the Canada TV News Service, “Get gender off birth certificates, B.C. activists argue.”


A group of activists is taking their fight to remove gender from birth certificates to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal.

The transgender and intersex people behind the push say Canadian birth certificates are discriminatory because they legally assign people a gender from birth.

The label is based on a doctor’s inspection of the baby’s genitals, but the group says that does not always represent the gender with which the individual will later identify. [Simpson: Do chromosomes by any chance?]

The group filed a human rights complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, which has agreed to review it.

[end reading]

Mike:  I didn’t follow up to see whether or not these clowns have been successful.

BRAZIL-GAY-WEDDINGSimpson:  There’s two things.  One, I have a little call-back to what I said earlier.  There’s a battle of will vs. reason here, and will is winning.  If I want to be a woman, I get to be a woman now.

Mike:  You can’t stop me.

Simpson:  That’s the absurdity we’re willing to go to with the will overriding reason.  You notice the other lie that was implicit in there is it sets up a legal definition.  No, it doesn’t.  There’s a natural definition of a man and a woman.  There’s a real definition of a man and a woman.

Mike:  Which is why I say they eliminated entirely the supernatural order.  That layer is gone.  Now they’re working on the natural order.  Beelzebub’s next move – by the way, anyone that does not think this is diabolical, please.  What is?  If this isn’t, what is?  Now they have to remove the natural order.  We got rid of the supernatural.  That was really standing in our way.  Now we can plow over, we can mow down the natural order.  How great is this going to be?  My question is: What do you perverts, you maniacs, what do you do when you get there?  What do you repeal next?  How about life?  How about everybody just – we’ve determined that too many of you people – population control is what’s coming next.  Too many of you are alive and drawing breath.  You complain too much and you want to go back to these old orders.  We’re not going to let you do that.  If we find you doing that, we’re just going to start killing you.

Simpson:  That was going to be my next thing.  What is the next thing?  If you lose supernatural order, then you lose natural order, the next thing you go after is order at all, some hierarchical structure.  I don’t think that’s going to completely go away.  I think it’s to create an anarchic type of environment, some preternatural type of order will come back, which is the demonic over all existence.

Mike:  That’s going to work out great for you gay people, too.  Wait until Beelzebub gets ahold of you.  Just wait until the demonic – Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Tse-tung – just wait until a diabolically-inspired tyrant is running the show, brother.

Simpson:  Worldwide level.


Mike:  You better hope that he’s a homosexual.  Of course, he will be of one generation done.  If he’s not, you’re in trouble.  History says that you’re in trouble.  Of course, it’s going to be the Christians that have been loving you all along that are going to be your – the only people left to defend you, your diabolical little demon-spawn buddies are not going to defend you and they’re going to be the first ones to say: Let’s get rid of them.  You are going to then rue the day.

Simpson:  I had a Cuban instructor –

Mike:  To live in this time is just really fascinating, is it not?  Aren’t we lucky?

Simpson:  I had a Cuban instructor when I was a Spanish linguist in the Army.  He said exactly what you just said, which is there were lots of gays – I’m using the term for a particular reason – in Fidel’s hierarchy.  They hated homosexuals because a homosexual was someone who had a same-sex attraction but wanted to just do his sexual relations in private and live his life.  Gay was a political agenda.  Gay was an advocacy purpose to create political power, sympathy for a certain class of people, to rise to political power, and then to take that power and abuse anyone who didn’t see life their way.  What you said is absolutely true.  It already happened in communist Cuba.  When they got into power, they killed all the homosexuals because they said you didn’t go along with our gay program, which is a political agenda.  They’re like: No, I wasn’t for that.  I just had this thing that I wanted to do.  That doesn’t work.

Veritas_Radio_home_4Mike:  Too bad.

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Simpson:  You’ve got to be for the power.

Mike:  Thanks for playing our game.  I don’t know what problem of the world is left for us to solve.

Simpson:  Well, we’ve hit them all.  You said get me off this rock, get me off this island.  I thought me and you were heading off to Scotland.

Mike:  I was about to call a real estate agent in Scotland and start pricing out property.  As far removed from reverence as the people of Scotland are – and they are – they’re still, by and large, very cloistered.

Simpson:  Pastoral in a sense.

Mike:  Pastoral in a sense.  It would probably be easier to convert them than it would be to try and convert the maniacal, apostate heretics that we live amongst.  The real tragedy – we haven’t even gotten into this.  The real tragedy of all this is you and I and your wife and my wife and young Christopher and his mom and dad, we all know people that are just swimming along with the tide, like Chesterton said.  They’re just going along with the tide.  They’re dead, as dead as dead can possibly be.  They’re just floating along with it.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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