Pile Of Prep

IT’S OFFICIAL: Hurricane Ron Will Not Amount To a Summer Breeze At The RNC

todayAugust 24, 2012 5


Signs of Life: Romney tops Dear Leader in Fox poll of likely voters

Mish: If you think a currency crisis is coming you think correctly and here are the charts to prove it

We’re winning: Freshman Congressman GOP Mick Mulvaney wants to freeze then CUT DOD spending

Ilana Mercer: NiallFerguson has doen one small service with his Newsweek cover story, explaining how you “can’t fix stupid”

Larison: Why must China be any more of a “responsible world power” than WE have been!?

Ryan foreign policy: Appear on talk radio shows, bash Obama’s “weakening of the U.S.”, rattle some sabers and promise to spend more money overseas… AND work on budget balancing!? yay

Laurence Vance asks a great question: What is so “conservative” or “libertarian leaning” about most of today’s “conservatives” and “libertarian leaners”?

Lew Rockwell on the GOP Gold Commission plank in the platform

The GOP to include a plank in their platform forming a “gold commission” to study a return to the gold standard – this is OBVIOUSLY a chew bone thrown Ron Paul’s way but REGARDLESS it is welcome and we should demand they follow through

Now the Get Toddy DeceptiMOB wants you to start a website or donate to whoever starts the website DumpAkin.com to PROVE that Akin is a disgrace to the human race-such camaraderie and conviction in the face of gal-queda pressure

Our Government Stinks at Government!! DC blows estimates of windfalls derived from its “bag tax” and must now cover the “deficit” created

Just like I always tell you people: The only force on earth that can stop Leviathan is the will of the sovereign people of the several states as ICE agents sue Obama Admin to stop amnesty order because it violates the Constitution

Small business owners don’t choose Jif, they choose Romney 2-1 over Obama

The Hive: The schools that breed the next generation of fancy-suited parasite elites, described on Thursday the 23rd of August show, show increased admission as competition for non-profit talent -an oxymoron- continues with the growth of the beast Leviathan

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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