
Hey Jeff Kuhner – “Regardless of Who Wins There is No Republic”

todayNovember 5, 2012 5


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript –  Jeffrey Kuhner, “Obama and the future of our republic.”  I’m going to say this again, we do not have a republic.  I don’t care how many battle hymns you play to it.  I do not care how many times you recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the word republic in it.  That does not make it so.  We are just so historically ignorant.  We just repeat republic and don’t even bother to look it up.  Look it up.  I’ll tell you where you can find a pretty good definition of it.  Donald Livingston’s book Rethinking the American Union has a pretty good definition of republic.  Even if we expanded it for the modern era, we would say the largest a republic could be would be about six million people.  That would mean the State of Delaware is a republic.  The State of Louisiana could be one of the largest republics on Earth.


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Jeffrey Kuhner, “Obama and the future of our republic.”  I’m going to say this again, we do not have a republic.  I don’t care how many battle hymns you play to it.  I do not care how many times you recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the word republic in it.  That does not make it so.  We are just so historically ignorant.  We just repeat republic and don’t even bother to look it up.  Look it up.  I’ll tell you where you can find a pretty good definition of it.  Donald Livingston’s book Rethinking the American Union has a pretty good definition of republic.  Even if we expanded it for the modern era, we would say the largest a republic could be would be about six million people.  That would mean the State of Delaware is a republic.  The State of Louisiana could be one of the largest republics on Earth.  It’s informative that Switzerland, with its 142 cantons, counties basically, and each one of those little cantons fancies themselves as a republic.  They are no larger than a suburban county anywhere in the United States, yet they fancy themselves a republic.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

AG, I run the risk of people jumping off a bridge if I read Kuhner’s breakdown of what’s going to happen if Obama is reelected.   Of course, my take on what’s going to happen if Obama is reelected is that those of you that are in leadership that listen to this show, that are in leadership in the House of Representin’, you better get rid of John Boehner as speaker.  You better get rid of Eric Cantor as majority leader.  You better get some real, dyed-in-the-wool, doctrinaire constitutionalists, originalists in there in leadership positions that have spines of steel.  They’re going to be the ones that are going to have to stop the madman that is dear leader Chairman Maobama.


President Obama must be defeated on Tuesday. Our republic [Mike: It’s not a republic. Our mobocracy — I’ll replace mobocracy with republic.] Our mobocracy hangs in the balance. A second term would enable him to achieve his seminal goal: the transformation of America into a European social democracy.

[end reading]

Mike: I would argue with you that about 15 to 20 states already are European social democracies without having eschewed what prevents them from becoming European social democracies. Do you know what that is, Jeffrey? That is not a form of government; it is a commitment and devotion to the transcended. You may know him by the name he goes by in fashionable circles: God. That is what the Europeans do not have any longer in their politics or in their culture anywhere. We are rapidly approaching the moment where we will have little or no God in our politics, and I don’t mean having theocracies and Rick Santorum running around, I mean men that fear God and act accordingly.


For nearly four years, Mr. Obama has presided over a revolution from above. His signature legislative accomplishment is Obamacare. Washington is poised to take over one-sixth of the economy.

[end reading]

Mike:  They already have taken it over.  They took it over when Medicaid and Medicare were passed.  They have just been polishing up the trophies on their wall, sir.  Obamacare was the next logical extension.  Once again, I’ll say this again, if it requires revenue to run its little exchanges and do all the things it’s supposed to do, then it is the House of Representin’ that has to provide that revenue.  It spells it out in detail in the Constitution.  It only takes one sentence, “All bills for raising revenues originate in the House,” as simple as that.  If the House don’t appropriate, then he can’t legislate.

There is a way to stop this.  One Congress cannot bind another, they can’t.  We don’t really want to hear that because we have to get rid of dear leader Chairman Maobama.  This is the mantra.  While I agree that Obama has got to go, if he doesn’t go, I do not agree that it’s over.  What was that line from Animal House?  Remember John Belushi?  [mocking Belushi] “Over?  Nothing is over until we decide it is!”  I think that might be appropriate here.  [clip of Bluto from Animal House] “Did you say over?  Nothing is over until we decide it is!  Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  Hell no! / Germans? / Forget it, he’s rolling. / And it ain’t over now.  ‘Cause when the goin’ gets tough…the tough get goin’!  Who’s with me?  Let’s go!  Come on!]


Once Obamacare is fully implemented in 2014, it will be almost impossible to repeal. Government health care will become interwoven into the fabric of society.

[end reading]

Mike:  It already is.  Who pays for medicine?  Nobody.  The only medicine you pay for — what day was it we talked about this?  It was Monday or Tuesday when we had the doctor that called from Atlanta.  No one is paying for their medicine.  We have transferred the means of payment over to the government, whether it’s through Medicare or Medicaid or government-mandated HMOs, government-mandated PPOs.  This is just delusional.  Is Obamacare rotten policy?  Hell yes, but it’s just the latest in a long line of rotten medical policies.


Moreover, like in Europe, socialized medicine fundamentally alters the relationship between the state and its citizens. [Mike: You’re right, Jeffrey, and it already has altered that.] The government essentially nationalizes your body. [Mike: They’ve already done that, too, see: Roe v. Wade.] State health bureaucrats decide which treatments you and your family can—and cannot—receive. [Mike: Not if you contract privately with a doctor that takes only case.] In short, nationalized health care creates a society of serfs who are coerced into dependency upon a ruling class for their most important needs. It breeds the servile state.

[end reading]

Mike:  We already have a significant portion of our population who are servile, who are, what does Wilkow call them, zero liability voters, who wish to take no material participation in their own subsistence.  This has been going on since the 1960s.  It has ramped up in the last four years, but it was already there.  This revolution that is ongoing right in front of our very eyes would not have been possible had it not been for the prior excesses and prior transgressions visited upon republicanism and the constitutional order.  That’s what makes it possible.


His borrow-and-spend policies have led to the highest deficits in history.

[end reading]

Mike:  All true, all true.  Who was it that appropriated the money?  Who is it that made the deal with the president to make sure that the deficit and national debt would not be a campaign issue?  AG, can you answer that question?  Do you remember this back in August?  Who made the deal with Obama to make sure that this would not be a campaign issue?

AG:  Would that be John Boehner?

Mike:  No, he’s a Republican.  He would never do that.  You lie.  You’re just a shill for Obama.  Man, these truths are inconvenient.  Where’s Al Gore when I need him?


We’re becoming a nation of deadbeats and social parasites. Mr. Obama has forged a new redistributionist order. [Mike: You got that right. It is a new, improved redistributionist order. If you stink at life, the candy that is available for you is better than it ever was. It’s got more sugar sweeteners in it.] Soon, America will hit the tipping point at which the productive classes are outnumbered—and outvoted—by the nonproductive ones. Our decline will be inexorable and inevitable.

[end reading]

Mike:  I wonder how this goes.  How do people that live in $400,000 houses surrender their house to the walking dead zombies?  How do people that are currently employed and running three, four businesses surrender their three or four businesses to the underachievers to run so that they can continue paying their taxes?  At some point in time when those that are currently productive are prevented from being productive, in the meaning that no one is productive, then those that are living high on the hog with their iPhones and HDTV and cable and DirecTV and what have you paid for by the productive class can no longer enjoy those benefits.  There does come a point in time where total plunder has to play itself out.  When it plays itself out, you don’t want to be around to see it.  That’s why you better acclimate yourself to that word that allegedly our hero, our national god idol Abraham Lincoln allegedly removed from the lexicon: secession.


The result is a country on the verge of fiscal bankruptcy.

[end reading]

Mike:  The definition of bankruptcy is not being able to meet your current financial obligations, Mr. Kuhner, and this goes for the rest of you, too.  We currently are bankrupt.  There is no cascading toward bankruptcy.  Just because we won’t file international Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 does not mean that we’re not currently bankrupt.  Here’s the measure of this: If all the bills were called in due tomorrow, would we be able to meet our financial obligations?  The answer is no, of course you wouldn’t be able to meet them.  Well, then you’re currently bankrupt.  Do you have the means to meet your financial obligation?  Well, if we pull a Joseph Stalin and confiscate all that is left and then sell it — sell it to who?  Are we going to invite the Chinese in to bid on it?  Are we going to invite the Mexicans in to bid on our stuff?  Are we going to invite the broke, democratic socialist Europeans in to bid on our stuff?  Who’s going to be at the fire sale?  We already are bankrupt, we just live in a state of denial.


By his own budget estimates, we will become Greece by 2016. Deep and immediate spending cuts must be implemented. Otherwise, the United States is doomed. [Mike: We are doomed.  The government that claims to be able to micromanage the affairs of 309 million people is doomed.  The idea of it is doomed.  It’s a miracle that it’s gotten as far as it has.]  The Obama administration has consistently abused power and violated the Constitution [Mike: Yes, and so did the Bush administration before it.  So did the Clinton administration before it.  So did the Pappy Bush administration before it.  So did the Reagan administration, although I do not believe that Ronald Reagan himself was a party to it.  So did the Ford administration.  So did Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, all the way back.  You can go all the way back to John Adams.  Adams violated the Constitution.  Were we on the precipice of dissolution then?  Jefferson, Taylor and Madison thought so.  They met in things called state conventions, though, and they had a nullification resolution interposition that came out of that.]

For Mr. Obama, that taxpayers will be left holding the bag is irrelevant. The objective was reached: He succeeded in bringing entire sectors under his heel. Goldman Sachs, [Mike: It seems to me that Goldman Sachs volunteered to be put under the government heel so it could suckle off the government teat], the auto industry [Mike: It seems to me that General Motors wanted to be taken over by the government so they could keep the UAW at bay and keep status quo.  Did the shareholders, the bondholders of Chrysler desire to be taken over?  No.  That’s another one of those six impeachable offenses that I mention about President Obama all the time that he could be taken out on.] Mr. Obama has shredded our traditional system of free enterprise, states’ rights and limited government. [Mike: Yes, Obama is the first one.  See the horrors visited upon the state legislatures by previous Republican and Democrat administrations.  All Obama is doing is following the trend and going, “I’m a gambler.  I’m gonna double down on that one.”  It would not have been possible had it not been done before is the point.] He is our version of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Should he win Nov. 6, America—sadly and tragically—risks going the way of Venezuela.

[end reading]

Mike:  AG, this is my question to you, sir: What do you write on November the 7th if Obama wins?  You’re moving to Trinidad?  You’re going to become an expat?  It’s over?  Your kids are doomed?  Do you start measuring yourself for a Soviet-era soldier’s uniform?  Do you get really acquainted with the color red?  What do you do?  What do you write on November the 7th for an encore after this?

AG:  I would say don’t fret necessarily and get involved more locally.

Mike:  No, local politics won’t fix anything.  Only national elections fix things, don’t you know?  Silly boy.  We have to go.  To sum up, do I want President Obama gone?  Probably more than you do, because I also wanted President Bush gone for his transgressions, grave, unbelievable transgressions against republicanism and the Constitution.  So, yes, in the worst kind of way.  Do I believe it’s the end of the world if he does not go?  No, I do not.  Would it be preferable to see him replaced?  Let me be very clear here: yes, it would.  Yes, it would be preferable to see him replaced.  The candidate that has the most likely chance to do that is Mitt Romney.  Draw your own conclusions from that.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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