
John Kerry Calls Snowden A Traitor, That Makes Kerry A Traitor For Winter Soldier Debacle

todayMay 29, 2014 6

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Snowden, a coward and a traitor, John “Rambo” Kerry, hero, United States senator and now Secretary of State, right?  Let’s go to the Snowden file then, shall we?  We’ll start at the top.  To the charge that he’s made it more difficult for the United States to prosecute terrorists and hunt for them all over the world, most of what Snowden has leaked out doesn’t have anything to do with the prosecution of anti-terrorism activities, unless Eric and I and you people listening to this show right now, unless we’re the terrorists.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Play the Kerry clip one more time.  I want to make sure I’m talking about the right things here, because I heard three things I wanted to point out.

[start audio clip]

John Kerry: What he’s done is hurt his country. What he’s done is expose for terrorists a lot of mechanisms which now affect operational security of those terrorists and make it harder for the United States to break up plots, harder to protect our nation. Edward Snowden is a coward, he is a traitor, and he has betrayed his country. If he wants to come home tomorrow to face the music, he can do so.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Says the man who sat in front of what were known as the “Winter Soldier” hearings.  How many of you are familiar with the winter soldier hearings?  Eric, do you remember — no, you weren’t — of course you don’t.  You may have heard of them.  You ever hear of the winter soldier hearings?

Eric:  No, sir.

Mike:  This is where John “Rambo” Kerry, after his brief spot of action in Vietnam, which you just heard the parody song over, this is where John “Rambo” Kerry first goes to Paris.  After he levels his charges at his government and their prosecution of the war in southeast Asia, in Vietnam, he then goes and testifies at this thing called the Winter Soldier Hearings.  At these hearings, you hear John Kerry talking about how his comrades in arms, his brothers in arms in the armed forces committed all these atrocities and how they tortured, raped, robbed, murdered, pillaged, you name it.  At the time that John Kerry did these things, he did them because he said someone had to shine the light of day on what was going on in Vietnam.  Subsequent to this, the man is elected to a political position, I believe it was lieutenant governor in the state of Taxachussetts.  He works his way up and gets elected to the U.S. Congress, and finally is elected a United States senator.  Kerry used the winter soldier hearings as a platform to launch his career.  Edward Snowden is not trying to launch a political career out of this.  He did it for all the right — I’ll play you the clip from Kerry.  This is from 1972.  He’s talking about soldiers.  He’s talking about Vietnam vets that he served with at the time.

[start audio clip]

John Kerry: They personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in the fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.  We are asking Americans to think about that, because how do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?

[end audio clip]

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Mike’s famous rendition of the famous Bne Franklin etching has delighted thousands who have the shirt-Order yours today in sizes md-4xxxx

Mike:  Snowden, a coward and a traitor, John “Rambo” Kerry, hero, United States senator and now Secretary of State, right?  Let’s go to the Snowden file then, shall we?  We’ll start at the top.  To the charge that he’s made it more difficult for the United States to prosecute terrorists and hunt for them all over the world, most of what Snowden has leaked out doesn’t have anything to do with the prosecution of anti-terrorism activities, unless Eric and I and you people listening to this show right now, unless we’re the terrorists.  Most of what Snowden has leaked out, and most of what Edward Snowden has told Glenn Greenwald that has been published is about how the United States, the NSA, and the CIA, how they conduct their affairs as it applies to American citizens, not as it applies to Al-Qaeda, not as it applies to the Al-Nusra front, not as it applies to Boko Haram or whatever.

If there’s any damage that’s been done here, it’s been done by Kerry and his cohorts in the NSA.  It’s been done by Kerry and his cohorts at the State Department.  It’s mighty dubious for John Kerry to talk about — someone who has put other people’s lives in jeopardy and has undermined the prosecution of a war effort, as I just demonstrated for you.  If you want to go on YouTube, search “John Kerry Winter Soldier hearings.”  There’s hours of this stuff, of Kerry throwing his fellow soldiers under the bus, backing it up, and then putting it in forward and running them over again.  Now, I don’t know whether or not anybody actually did any of the things that Kerry is accusing them of.  That’s not the point.  We know that the CIA and the NSA did all the things that Snowden has alerted us to.

Two days ago, I broke the news on this show to you that the NSA and CIA are in cahoots with their Australian counterparts, and that those counterparts are now responsible, or the CIA at the request of those counterparts took out citizens of Australia without due process.  Australia has similar laws to ours.  So our drone kill program is alive and well.  It’s killing American citizens.  It’s killing civvies in countries like Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan right now.  John “Rambo” Kerry is what amounts to an apologist for all this.  If it weren’t for Edward Snowden, if it weren’t for Glenn Greenwald, and if it weren’t for guys like Jeremy Scahill, we wouldn’t know all the madness that the U.S. government is perpetrating all around the world.

To the charge of Kerry calling Snowden a coward, he’s anything but a coward.  A coward would have sat on the info and would have done nothing.  He would have been a yes-man marching in lockstep with the rest of the high-boot kickers and would have just let status quo continue.  That’s what a coward would have done.  A coward would have looked on while innocent people’s files were being rifled through.  A coward would have looked on while innocent people’s phone records were being stored and stashed away for future use.  A coward would have sat silently by while their government lied to 309 million people on a daily basis.  That’s what a coward would have done.  And a traitor?  He’s not waged any war against any states.  He’s not aided and abetted any enemy.  The idea here also that [mocking] “It makes it much more difficult to carry out missions against the terrorists, to stop the terrorists and thwart attacks,” you mean thwarting attacks like showing up at certain parcels of land in the great American West to try to stop the BLM from taking land over when they have no constitutional authority to do so?  Is that an attack that was thwarted?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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