Founders Quotes

John Taylor of Caroline County Would Not Do Facebook

todayAugust 12, 2014 9


It was this class which gradually detached the attention of Romans from principles of men, and no sooner had it converted Caesar and Pompey into objects of adoration and hatred, than the worshippers of the true were ready to destroy the worshippers of the false deity; a war was declared between God and Baal; and a republican form of government terminated with the conflict. Among us, [Facebook]* is the forum for the artifices of this pernicious class of men, and its range beyond the powers of the human voice, is more rapidly affecting that, which corrupt Roman orators were unable to accomplish in less than four hundred years. Little of principle; much of party; adulation and invective, are the means which transform a genuine loyalty for liberty, into a spurious loyalty for men; and the degradation by which the human mind descends from a capacity for freedom, to a fitness for slavery. – John Taylor of Caroline County, from “The Spirit of ’76” pamphlet

*Facebook replaced Taylor’s “newspapers”

Written by: TheKingDude

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