Julie Borowski: story of success through intelligent political comedy

todayMay 26, 2016 13


Mandeville, LA – LISTEN LIVE CLICK HERE Friday May 27th @ 1pm CENTRAL on

Julie Borowski is a libertarian political analyst, formerly with FreedomWorks and popular comedic YouTube commentator. She sits down with Kurt Wallace to discuss her life growing up in a small town outside Washington DC. She describes her experiences of learning and discussing politics around the dinner table and the massive influence her grandfather had on her world view. She tells us about knowing what she wanted to do as a career from an early age. She talks about her struggles with slowly developing her own show, sharing how her journey has unfolded to combine the things she enjoys (comedic writing and politics) into a popular Youtube channel. She also talks about her meaningful relationship with her grandfather who was almost fired for publicly chastising President Nixon.
This is an exclusive interview you won't hear anywhere else!

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