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Kavanaugh Saved His Reputation By Telling The Establishment To Pound Sand. . . Just Like PRESIDENT Trump – The Mike Church Show

todayOctober 4, 2018 3


Mandeville, La

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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How did the SCOTUS get so important that it held in its hands the multi-billion dollar industry of Baby Killing?

  • In order to try and stop Johnson, there wasn’t a majority on the Supreme Court. In an attempt to make the majority the Senate changed the number necessary for the Supreme Court.
  • Ultimately Johnson relented.
  • The fear was Johnson was going to tell Congress they couldn’t have their Restitution Acts.

HEADLINE: The Senate, Not the FBI, Should Investigate Kavanaugh by Bruce Fein

  • QUESTION – Which branch of the Federal Monstrosity has power over the FBI?
  • ANSWER – The Executive Branch
  • In other words the FBI serves the President. So why would the Senate want an entity that serves the President to investigate a nominee made by the President?
  • The Article V Amendment Panel I held back in the day had Bruce Fein on it. (this can be found in the Founders Tradin’ Post)
  • Thomas Jefferson bored to tears as Vice President decided to write the rules for the Senate.

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.



Moving for the Cloture Vote to begin this morning.

HEADLINE: McConnell designs gambit to handle other issues in Senate, while advancing Kavanaugh nomination by Chad Pergram

  • You vote to end the debate, then if you want to oppose the vote, you do so then.
  • How would you like to live in a county or State that has consecrated its government to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
  • Last night at 6pm an episode of ReConquest aired – Brother had a guest from Loretto Press discussed the 2 perfect entities. ‘The Church and The Press’
  • Church is to govern man.

HEADLINE: Restore or Rebuild the Church and the Mass? by K.E. Colombini

What do you think?

Restore or Rebuild?

HEADLINE: ‘What’s that stick the pope was carrying?’ by Deacon Greg Kandra

  • What the heck is that? It truly does look like a stick.
  • It has a nail in it. Apparently the youth gave it to him to use for the Youth Synod.

BACK TO HEADLINE: Rebuild or Restore

The book ‘Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter’

  • The Churches that are growing have brought in Brothers and Sisters….VOCATIONS!
  • I believe that is the key to rebuilding the Church. When we look at human souls as spiritual consumers, and focus on the “guest experience” as if the Mass is a ride at Disney World, we’ve lost sight of a few things. 

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.

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Caller Tom from Arkansas –

  • Book Catholic Republic by Timothy Gordon – how the United States has to get back to its Catholic roots.
  • The table was set when the Constitution was passed.
  • Subsidiary – it would all be top down.

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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HEADLINE: White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh by Rebecca Ballhaus, Michael C. Bender, Bristina Peterson, and Natalie Andrews

  • Kavanaugh will be confirmed and hopefully they take down everyone that participated in this attempted takedown.
  • The WaPo is going to take a leak from Feinstein seriously because they are all in bed with her.
  • Look at what the evidence shows, when CBF was trying to get the story out to the press, they didn’t want it.
  • It wasn’t until Feinstein’s peeps leaked it that the news picked it up.
  • It means NOTHING coming from her, CBF.

HEADLINE: The F.B.I. Probe Ignored Testimonies from Former Classmates of Kavanaugh by Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow

  • President Trump is now touring the world, repeating what CBF said and proving to the world she was lying.
  • What Kavanaugh did in his testimony is he acted just like President Donald Trump.
  • Every time they try to open another allegation, President Trump shuts them down.
  • The New Yorker ran this story and failed to mention it was a “fake” _____. 
  • That roommate, Michael Wetstone, who is now an architect, confirmed Appold’s account and said, “it stood out in our minds because it was a shocking story of transgression.”
  • AGAIN, this is hearsay. He heard it from a “friend”.
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager jenn@mikechurch.com and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.


HEADLINE: The Senate Should Not Confirm Kavanaugh

  • Reading these names – the majority of them are WOMEN. Well this is truly shocking.


  • Brett Kavanaugh took on those that were attempting to bring down his family.
  • Real Men put themselves in FRONT of his family to protect them.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to crusadermonastery@crusadechannel.com


HEADLINE: Democrats’ New Anti-Gun Laws Are Also An Attack On Due Process by David Harsanyi

  • It only makes sense that the party that wants to kill the baby in utero doesn’t care about INNOCENCE.



Caller Cindy from Florida –

  • I am so proud of this President.
  • You don’t vote for Kavanaugh – we will ensure you don’t get any money.
  • Party lines rule and that is all they are concerned with.
  • The real men thing – that isn’t just an issue with the young that is older men too.
  • Ron Paul libertarian – he was saying the followers are becoming like a Trump Fan Club (it’s all about taking it to the left)
  • Most of the changes are cultural (which is important) they aren’t being effected in the real world.
  • The deficit – I think after 2020 President Trump is going to attempt to do something with that, but that is just my opinion.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com





CBF – is not a useful idiot, she didn’t just get swept up in all of this, she was a willing participant.

VIDEO – Senator Cory Booker: Doesn’t Matter If Kavanaugh Is “Innocent Or Guilty,” Trump Should Nominate Someone Else

  • Who do they want to replace Brett Kavanaugh?


JUNKBOND doing a special 2 hour Columbus Day Special Reverse Deception

  • How many people remember Weird Science?
  • Try to scrub yourself from the internet. I dare you, try it. How did CBF manage to delete every reference of herself off of social media?
  • CBF her story does NOT WORK with witnesses. Witnesses can contradict statements, they may have known where they were the day before…they simply destroy her story.
  • Minor logic says this and this is what evidence shows. That is why there are NO witnesses.
  • You thought this anonymous tip was going to change President Trumps mind?
  • Have you met President Trump? Have you seen his Tweets? Who would actually think that?
  • CBF simply isn’t the victim here.
  • “Pretty Pose” Body Language Expert
  • Senator Cory Booker says “It is not about whether he is guilty or innocent” 
  • Senator Booker said ‘I believe you’ when questioning CBF in the hearing.
  • All you need to know based on the evidence is right here in this audio – (moral moment)
  • BK was a wild card the Dems couldn’t predict what he was going to do.
On Tomorrow’s Show – Father John A. Perricone



HEADLINE: In The New Yorker, Ronan Farrow Disgraces Himself Once Again by Charles C.W. Cooke

  • Why would the New Yorker even publish such a story?
  • There was absolutely NO evidence whatsoever but they ran the story anyway.
  • “Even as an immigrant, I had heard of The New Yorker’s supposedly famous “fact-checking” process. Seven years into my time in America, I must finally conclude that is a myth. This isn’t a story; it’s a page from the National Enquirer. Every morning I get absurd e-mails from two-bit opposition research firms. As my coffee ritual, I delete them one by one. Farrow and Mayer’s latest deserves the same fate.”

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Richard Barrett, Charles C.W. Cooke, Ronan Farrow, pretty pose, Brett Kavanaugh, Bruce Fein, executive branch, FBI, CBF, Article V, Chad Pergram, K.E. Colombini, Deacon Greg Kandra, Rebecca Ballhaus, Michael C. Bender, Bristina Peterson, Natalie Andrews, Jane Mayer, David Harsanyi, due process, The New Yorker, journalist, National Enquirer

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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