
Keeping America Safe Since Iraq 1991 Hasn’t Produced Happiness

todaySeptember 18, 2014 8

Order your copy of Mike Church’s “Illustrated Bio of Stone Wall jackson” today!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “What is this suicide pact that so many people seem so dedicated to, for what purpose?  You know what?  Maybe we’re the land of opportunity for our children for a change.  Maybe it’s time to face the music.  You can’t be a pluralistic society for the entire planet.  If you are, then you won’t have a society anymore.  This is the folly of multiculturalism.  Multiculturalism actually means there is no culture.  One is just as good as the next.  [mocking] “Have you tried Hinduism?  Well, we should import these people here.  We should all get a taste of it.”  Why?  If I want to do Hinduism, I’ll go to India.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I want you to think about something, ladies and gentlemen, those of you that are so animated over this and get so animated over any opportunity to use American military firepower anywhere on earth including Antarctica if need be.  I want you to think about something.  It was in January of 1991 that the elder, Papi Bush, President Bush, decided that since he had an army and since the Kuwaitis were friends of the Bush family, and since [mocking] “Wait a minute, Saddam can’t have that oil, that’s our oil!” since January of 1991, we have been actively engaged in the affairs of the Middle East, actively engaged in the affairs of Iraq.  The elder President Bush bombed Iraq, considered invading Iraq, drove Iraq and Saddam’s Republican Guard back to Baghdad.  The presidency of President Clinton, what did Clinton do?  He lobbed cruise missiles…


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The presidency of President Clinton, what did Clinton do?  He lobbed cruise missiles into Iraq.  He enforced a no-fly zone over Iraq.  He did all these things over Iraq.  What did President Bush do when it was his turn?  He invaded Iraq.  Forty-six hundred dead Americans later, a trillion dollars’ worth of debt to repay, half a million dead Iraqis, a country that looks, in most parts after we were finished with it, like it was a sixth century hamlet.  And what has now happened?  President Obama, right back where President “Papi” Bush was.  [mocking Obama] “We have to have a military campaign in Iraq.”

You might be noticing now that Iraq never falls off our radar.  Do you know how far away Iraq is?  Get your Google maps out.  Here’s a class project for the weekend.  Go to your favorite map program, Yahoo Map, Google Map, doesn’t matter, Bing maps.  Type in your hometown and then type in Baghdad.  Get the mileage.  How far is Baghdad from your town?  You’re going to go: Wow, I didn’t know it was 7,000 miles away.  Why then is it such a pressing concern?  Here’s another question: Why is what happens 7,000 miles away from here life or death for people 7,000 miles away on the other side of the planet?  Why?

Some of you are going, [mocking] “’Cause they got nuclear weapons.”  They don’t have nuclear weapons.  [mocking] “They’re gonna ship it over here.”  Okay, then let’s talk about stopping the incoming shipment.  There is simply no justifiable need to be involved in these people’s affairs, there is none, none.  [mocking] “We need their oil.”  No, we don’t need their oil.  That’s fiction, fantasy number one.  [mocking] “We need their natural gas.”  No, we don’t need their natural gas.  [mocking] “We need their uranium.”  Wrong country, wrong continent.  Africa has uranium.  And if we need uranium, find a way to buy it.

There is simply no justification for this.  The only possible justification could be that decades ago a plan was hatched and executed and is still being executed today to pad the pockets of very wealthy men with very large corporations who are very well connected to very high-ranking politicians and the bureaucracy those politicians have created.  In other words, it’s a jobs program.  It’s not a security program.  Wake up.  Let me tell you something: The best part of waking up is Folger’s in your cup.  Take a shot of coffee.  Wake up.  Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, my friends.  This is never going to end.  There will never be an end to this.  Our sons, our daughters, and our livelihoods are going to be enmeshed in this disaster, in this 14-century-old disaster.  We do not have to participate, we simply don’t.

For those of you that say, [mocking] “What about all the Muslims that come into the country?  We have to stop them or they’ll become radical and want to kill us.”  Well, stop meddling in their affairs, number one.  And there is no rule, there’s nothing written on a stone tablet that says we have to emigrate anyone else from any country if we don’t want to.  What is this suicide pact that so many people seem so dedicated to, for what purpose?  You know what?  Maybe we’re the land of opportunity for our children for a change.  Maybe it’s time to face the music.  You can’t be a pluralistic society for the entire planet.  If you are, then you won’t have a society anymore.  This is the folly of multiculturalism.  Multiculturalism actually means there is no culture.  One is just as good as the next.  [mocking] “Have you tried Hinduism?  Well, we should import these people here.  We should all get a taste of it.”  Why?  If I want to do Hinduism, I’ll go to India.

So you fix your immigration policy.  This has an awful lot to do with those borders that we love to talk about down South as well.  We are not under any commandment whatsoever to have to import one single new citizen from a foreign land.  We do it at our pleasure.  We are not responsible for the indigent populations of planet Earth.  It is absolute folly to believe that you can emigrate anyone and everyone from every distinct culture on the face of the earth into our population and preserve any part of our population or our culture that made said importation so desirous.  You can’t get into the world’s other great countries — and there are a lot of other great countries — without a darn good reason to do so.

Go ahead, go try and immigrate to Singapore.  As a matter of fact, you want a nice little experiment?  Go online this weekend and go try to apply for citizenship in Singapore.  Go ahead.  Go try it.  Go see if all you have to do is fill a little form out and say: You’re the land of milk and honey.  You got things and I want them.  See if they let you in.  Go try and immigrate to Switzerland.  Go ahead, go try it.  I challenge you.  Try to get into Switzerland.  Go try to get into Hungary.  Here’s one, try and immigrate to the United Kingdom.  Try to become a citizen of Scotland.  Go and try to work fulltime, not on a visa, in one of those European countries and see what you’re told.

We’re the only ones that are stupid enough to sign off on this progressive-instigated melting pot silliness.  It’s part of the problem.  It makes us a target.  [mocking] “We have to be citizens of the world.”  We do?  Really?  Why?  You know, I do some business with — how many of you are familiar with the little coffee machines that make coffee out of these little pods, Nespresso?  Where is Nespresso?  What is the parent company?  Nespresso is a brand.  Where is the Nestle Corporation based?  Paul, do you know where the Nestle Corporation is based?  Switzerland.  Wait a minute, how is that possible?  The Swiss don’t have an ambitious foreign policy.  The Swiss aren’t invading and conquering the rest of the known universe, are they?  The Swiss don’t live as citizens of the world.  How could the Swiss have business in the United States, Nespresso coffee makers in Japan — and I’ve seen them in the United Kingdom as well — if they’re not engaged militarily with the rest of the planet?  How’s that possible?  The only way you can sell any product in any country outside of the United States is if you have a big, bold foreign policy and a big, bold army the size of which the world has never seen, spending money the world can’t even count.



Page 42 from the autobiography of the Mike Church Show Band "Anthology"
Page 42 from the autobiography of the Mike Church Show Band “Anthology”

How are any of these things possible?  They’re possible because that’s really the way outside of the jerry-rigged and, I might add, deck stacked against the middle-class guy, system that we suffer under here in the United States.  But you know what?  They fed us pornography.  That keeps us happy.  They fed us NFL, MLB, and NBA.  That keeps us happy.  So we really don’t care whether or not we’re bombing the rest of the known universe back into the stone ages, whether or not most of our wealth is being sucked out from underneath of us and applied into these various corporate schemes.  We really don’t care, so long as those creature comforts of ours are there.

For how long can that satisfy?  It doesn’t satisfy us politically.  It obviously doesn’t satisfy us personally.  We have all the gadgets that man could ever possibly create in the palms of our hands, on our wrists now thanks to Apple.  We have all of these things at our disposal.  We have instant food, fast food, flow food, you name it, microwavable food.  We have dating services.  We don’t even have to go out and date anymore.  We have computers that go out and find us spouses.  We have all of these things, yet we have the highest divorce rates in the history of man.  We have the highest dissatisfaction with government in the world.  We have people that believe we live in a dystopia that’s not going to be as nice for their children.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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