
KingDude Doesn’t Accept The Plunder Of Big Gubbmint

todayJanuary 12, 2011 5


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Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing

(Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA – Breaking News: The KingDude does not desire nor does he ever intend tomaterially accept the plunder of the Federal Government. Which, in anutshell, can be summed up as Big Gubbmint hand-outs, we here on TheMike Church Show are not ‘down’ with Gubbmint hand-outs. The mainreason being that all hand-outs, so to speak, given to citizens by theFederal Government is in it’s simplistic form theft. They areessentially stealing a share of what you have earned to provide foryourself and your family, and in turn are giving that portion away torecipients the Government deems receivable.

The KingDude goes on to give his interpretation of what thefuture births of America’s future will look like. He paint’s thepicture of a child escaping the womb only to see a Federal Agentholding a debt bill and expecting payment. The next analogy comes fromthe old ‘tuck your money under your bed for a rainy day’ philosophy(WARNING: NOT ADVISED). Mike explains that if you were to tuck somemoney into your traditionally nostalgic piggy bank in the year 2000 thevalue of the money would not be the same today….and it may leavelumps in your bed which could lead to bedsores. It’s called ‘debttransfer’ and it’s not fair.

Related Material: Get some more KingDude on monetary issues with this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:

My Interview With Dr. Thomas Woods-The Inflation Cometh! 

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I do not desire, nor do I ever intend to materially accept the plunder of the federal government.  And what I mean by that, I do not ever intend to, if I have anything to say about or I can control it.  I may not be able to stop the transfer of the wealth because it may come to me in a form that Im unaware of.  But I never intend to accept, apply for, or materially participate in what has been stolen from myself and 310 million other souls out there, and then transferred to me.  I will make my own money, my own way, through my own attempts at profit.  I will not seek to have the government plunder my neighbor so that I can have a share of what they have earned.  It is theft.  I have not consented.

Because I was born an American citizen, I consented to the plunder and to the theft of that which I have rightly earned, of that which I have legally earned through my own efforts, through my own labor, through my own ingenuity, my own creativity, my own perseverance?  Its mine.  It doesnt belong to the government, if they take it from me, and I havent consented to it.  Well, Mike, you sent a representative to Congress.  I didnt send a representative to Congress to tax me.  And how do you know I voted for that particular representative?  And thus, again, the folly of voting, discussed on previous programs.

So, yes, it is absolutely theft.  Let me ask you a question, geniuses.  What would you call passing a debt bill onto children that have yet to be born?  And as soon as they escape their mothers womb, as soon as they escape their mothers womb they are then greeted by a G-man.  What does the G-man have in his hand?  He has a bill.  Here, young freshly born American.  Hey, yeah, gaga googoo, whats this?  Well, thats your debt bill.  But I was just born.  I dont want to hear that.  Your parents ran this up.  Your grandparents ran this up.  You owe this.  Youve got to pay this back.  $1,136,000?  I just escaped the womb, man.  What is that?  That young, freshly born citizen has had a debt transferred to his head, or her head, and they must pay it back, do they not?

Here, theres one more example of this that makes the analogy or makes the point that it is theft.  And I think it ought to be a fairly obvious example here.  When you go out and you earn something, and then you take the fruits of your earning follow me here now.  You have been successful enough, and even though you were successful, your government penalized your success.  They have already confiscated a significant portion of what you have earned.  But with the little bit that you have left, you have managed to keep it.  You have managed to save it.  The year is 2000.  And in the year 2000 you saved 10,000 of the dollars that you made.  Why, 2001, 2010 comes along, and in the span of 10 years you still have the $10,000 you stuffed under the mattress in your room.  But you wake on the morning of New Years Day 2011 to discover that the purchasing power of your $10,000 is now but a meager $7,423.

What happened?  Where did your money go?  Well, you still have 10,000 $1 bills, or 100 $100 bills, whatever the denominations are.  You still have the same amount of currency, but you cant buy as much with it.  Now, what do you call that?  Mike, its called inflation.  As I said yesterday, inflation is theft.  The government has inflated the currency, has used the proceeds, and has stolen it from you.  And if you want to try and keep up with the theft, then you have to invest it in their approved, what are known as securities.  You know them as stocks and bonds and what have you here.

The point here is this, ladies and gentlemen, dudes and berbabes, members of the Red, White, Dude and Beer Party Nation.  It was not always this way.  It was not always so that you had to find ways and exert energies to protect and to hide, if you could, the fruits of your labor here.  Now, here we are, weve had this fantastic discussion about all the rhetoric and stuff.  I dont know how animated the rhetoric is.  Oh, why, we havent had it like this, the vitriol thats out there in this country.  Im surprised people arent more angry when I explain to them and when I think I make a very logical, reasoned, without shouting, based in history and based in great philosophers thought of the case that what the government has done and what the government does and what the government is currently doing and what the government will do to my children and your children and their children, that its theft.  Its called a tax.  Its called whatever.  But it is theft.  When I explain that, why arent more people angry about this?  But Mike, this is the way its always been.  No, its not the way its always been done.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


2011 Mike Church Show



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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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