
KingDude Explains Liberals Obsession With The CBO

todayJanuary 20, 2011 8


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Related Material: For more KingDude commentary on the issue of Health Care enjoy this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:Is_Davis_A_Traitor_FEATUREDObamacare Leads Straight to Communism

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  The Congressional Budget Office, the CBO, that hallowed, glowing, alabaster-clad building somewhere in Mordor on the Potomac.  It itself is on a hill.  Why, it is the font of all our power.  It is where our highest aspirations go to be projected, to be massaged, to be put into law because it is the CBO that does the hard work of taking calculators out and calculating it.  It is the CBO that does the hard work of telling members of Congress how much they can or cannot spend of other peoples money.  It is the CBO and its hallowed temples where members of Congress go to get down on their knees and to beg and to plead for its permission to do things that they want to do.  I mean, you can just see it.  AG, you’re in DC right now.  If you probably look over towards the capital, you can probably see that glow coming from somewhere near the Capitol Dome, cant you.  That’s the CBO.  That’ s not a searchlight for a car lot.  That’s the CBO.  You didn’t know that, did you.  You thought there was a car lot over there, didn’t you.

AG:  Yeah, it surprised me here.


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Mike: He thought there was a car lot.  Well, no, this is oh, wait, wait, were talking about Congress.  Its not just one searchlight hitting the sky, like the Batman searchlight.  Its 12.  These guys are profligate spenders.  So all this droning on about and you’ll hear Louise Dentures Slaughter going, Well, I want to see the CBO number.  Do you have the CBO number?  I’m trying to make politics as easy to understand as I can so you, when your member of Congress is reciting his stump speech that Boehner has given him to you, you can tell him, Yeah, you know what, dude, bull [bleep].  That’s just bull [bleep].  I listen to The Mike Church Show.  I know you guys are a bunch of criminals and crooks and liars.  I don’t believe you.  Why don’t you just repeal the Budget Act of 74?  Well, we cant [bleep].  Yes, you can.  I’m serious, folks.  Call bull [bleep] on these guys.  Just call it on them.

So lets get to Act No. 3 here now, three things that I wanted to go over here before we get to the healthcare, when this will all tie in together, as you’ll see in a moment.  Congress does not have to have a Congressional Budget Office.  These guys act as if this is mandatory, that its in the damn Constitution, and that James Madison invented it.  They act as if all congresses in all history have always gone, got down on their knees in front of the searchlights, in front of the oracles, and have begged and pleaded for it to bless their numbers.  This is a recent invention here.  This is an invention of the 20th Century.
The CBO hasn’t always existed, and it doesn’t need to exist.  Its always wrong anyways.  This is the worst part about it.  The CBO is never right.  If they were here.  Let me make a real world comparison.  AG, have you ever heard of the former accounting firm known as Arthur Andersen?

AG:  Yes.

Mike:  What did Arthur Andersen computate incorrectly?  Do you know this?

AG:  Were they involved in Enron?

Mike:  That’s right, they cooked the Enron books or dis calculated them or miscalcumalated them incorrectly.  What happened to Arthur Andersen?

AG:  Out of business.

Mike: Yes.  Can you find Arthur Andersen with the proverbial search warrant these days?  No, you cannot.  Oh, but the CBO, they’re wrong about everything.  They were wrong about Medicare.  They were wrong about Social Security.  They were wrong about Medicaid.  They were wrong about the EPA.  They were wrong about the FDA.  They were wrong about the Department of Energy.  They were wrong about the Department of Education.  Name your department, and they’ve been wrong about it.  They haven’t gotten anything right ever.  And yet we act as if and these people go on television, and they act as if this is some sort of heaven-sent institution.  You know, its almost like there’s a set of holy scrolls inside the CBO.  We need to put soldiers around that thing and defend it.  Why, all our knowledge is in there.  If all our knowledge is in there, then were really [bleep]

(Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA – The news as of late has been a bit on the repetitive side, and that’s not because our TiVo’s got stuck on a recorded loop of DC 180. The aftermath of the Tucson tragedy brought on such familiar phrases as:Vitriol, defined as cruel and bitter criticism; and rhetoric, defined as the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience. And now with the onslaught of ObamaCare reform reaching the Floor of the House of Representatives we got a great sample of some more common vernacular such as: Repeal, defined as to revoke or withdraw formally or officially; reform, defined as, you guessed it, to form again.

Then there’s those initials we always see on the bottom of the FOX News screens and what not, in this particular debate we continue to see ‘CBO’, which stands for Congressional Budget Office, defined by Mike Church as the hallowed, glowing, alabaster clad building on Mordor on the Potomac, it is the font of all of our power, where our highest aspirations go to be projected into law – because we all know it is hard work to take out calculators and assume the rigorous duty of calculating.

Listen to the King Dude explain how foolish this dependence on the Congressional Budget Office has become and has been used in debates for the Liberals against the Conservatives. Overall, Mike makes the point that if Government is truly planning on carrying out their promises, and if they’ve truly heard the American People in November then why not start with 86ing the CBO and privatizing it – they’re not the only folk who know how to use a TI-36X.road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detail

And yet your Republican friends, the new deckchair party, oh.  Now, Mike, cmon, give them a break.  Just….  No.  No no no no no.  I’m not giving them a break because this is one of the ways and one of the things that, if they truly wanted to change this and truly wanted to stop the spending, they would say, look, were not sending numbers to CBO anymore.
We repealed the 74 Budget Act.  Were going to repeal that.  Were not sending numbers to CBO anymore because we run CBO, and we don’t trust it.  Were Congress.  It is our job to crunch these numbers.  Were actually going to contract with an American firm.  Were actually going to not Arthur Andersen.  Were actually going to hire an outside firm, but were going to let them do the calculating, and they can present that back to it, and they will do it for a fee.  At least then we don’t have to pay their benefits.  At least then we don’t have to have 10,000 bureaucrats running around with pocket calculators and slide rules, getting everything wrong, but indebting the American taxpayer for as long as they shall materially live because you and me have got to fund these nitwits.  We’ve got to pay their salaries.  We’ve got to pay their retirement.  We’ve got to pay their healthcare.  And for what?  What?  So that they can continue to exist inside or underneath that dome, where they’re at somewhere in Washington, DC, in Mordor on the Potomac, with the 12 searchlights beaming the sky there, where all the hallowed and sacred documents are held, and where the fountain of knowledge of Congress is.

This is just so ridic- to watch our government in operation here is the height of entertainment.  Oh, folks, this is reality television, and it is a G-damn disgrace.  It is embarrassing to watch these guys.  You people that are members of Congress, please take a couple of years off, go there for three months, and then go home and study.  Go read some Cicero.  Go read some of the debates of 1787 in the Federal Convention.  Go read some of the debates from around the turn of the last century when men were men, women were women, and there were actual statesmen there.  All of this formality, Well, I thank the gentlewoman, and I thank the gentle lady.  For what?  Quoting Bugs Bunny?  For what?  You thank the gentle lady for quoting Clara Peller?

End Mike Church Show Transcript
2011 Mike Church Show



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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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