insert_link Lives Of The Saints Babe Ruth Catholic Philanthropist & Baseball Legend todayMay 25, 2023 15
Soren Knutsen on August 8, 2014 Your synopsis of ‘Escape’ (Flukt) is completely off-base. I think you watched a copy with a really bad translation. There’s no cannibalism going on, the year is 1348, and Dagmar is not an actual witch (just an ice-blonde, which was the mark of witchcraft in early-Christian Norway and Sweden). Signed was to be the adopted ‘sister’ to Frigg, and to bear a girl who would be Frigg’s adopted younger sister. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on August 8, 2014 “Completely off base” is what this comment is. First, the character’s name is “Signe” not “Signed”, second please invest in a pair of reading glasses. The review actually says “There, they learn the story of Dagmar the accused witch and her drowning fate.” Maybe “accused” means something else where you come from, to my readers it means “not proven” or “innocent til proven guilty”. Third, again, reading glasses will help you read my work because I clearly state the cannibalism is “implied”. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757