Founders Television

Let’s Hang the Nullifiers! – Senator Gaetz of Florida

todayDecember 13, 2012 9

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    Let’s Hang the Nullifiers! – Senator Gaetz of Florida ClintStroman

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    Let’s Hang the Nullifiers! – Senator Gaetz of Florida ClintStroman


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    Let’s Hang the Nullifiers! – Senator Gaetz of Florida ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – It sounds like the people of Florida have the right idea… nullifying ObamaCare, but their Senator does not.  He brings up a story about Andrew Jackson which includes hanging and shooting the nullifiers.  Is that really what it’s come to Mr. Gaetz? People who want less government in their lives are being talked about like criminals who should be hanged? It’s not looking like a very good year for the 10th Amendment in Florida. Check out the rest of today’s Founders TV for more on ObamaCare in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana.  We also have a special guest interview with Danielle Alexandre who is in the midst of it all from Tallahassee.  Grab a Founders Pass right here if you don’t already have one!

Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Justin K on December 14, 2012

    The General Government is now moving full steam ahead in silencing ANY dissent to it’s imaginary power. My local paper just changed it’s comments format to only allow Facebook comments, on the heels of the announcement that the Government is now exchanging all personal data between agencies, obviously to silence the dissent it was receiving in it’s comments, to a rabid, Progressive leaning newspaper. I have yet to figure out where Facebook produces a product where it’s income is generated from. They are watching…

  2. freeper7 on December 13, 2012

    All my emails carry that meme: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty!

    As to why people today refuse to understand…we can blame that on John Dewey, the government education system and, finally and foremost, ourselves for letting the statists get away with it.

  3. Wil Shrader Jr. on December 13, 2012

    Do you think the average citizen was aware of how serious and dire the threats to their liberty had become in 1859/1860 before the legislatures acted? Why do people today refuse to understand even the possibility that the issues confronting us and which animated and motivate the new wave of [r]epublicanism today command their attention?
    I have an idea for a meme:
    Eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!
