The Mike Church Show

“Liberalism” Gave Us Sodomite Olympians, What Kind of “Pride” Is That?!

todayFebruary 19, 2018 5


Mandeville, LA – “We need to better understand how the Liberal Project was intended to correct Christianity.” – Ross Hunt. Oh yeah, what else did your precious ‘Murican Liberalism bring? The Atomic Bomb! Sodomite Olympians!? It has produced wars and war-like behavior that “Christians” seem to love today.

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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:11 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE
6:15 The USA Curling Team

Lenten Pilgrimage 2 mile warm-up

Lenten Pilgrimage 10 miles





  • Calling for the banning of pornography…two “conservative” writers calling for the same. This is not me boasting and bragging that “I” had anything to do with this. This is 100% the Holy Mother.
  • Yesterday at Mass the Archbishop of New Orleans – join me in the campaign to stamp out pornography!
  • She is answering our prayers
  • “traditionalist” we tend to point out those that don’t attend the Latin Mass, but we have to be careful that we don’t monitor and look for mistakes before we see the good
 6:32 Did President George Washington convert on his death bed?



HEADLINE: Cut the Crap: We Need Full Constitutional Carry, Several Dozen Insane Asylums, and a FULL BAN ON ANTIDEPRESSANTS

  • she gets some things right and some things wrong in this article
  • National Open Carry

VIDEO: in article on antidepressants and school shootings

6:50 Red Dress Gala – charity event to raise awareness for women’s heart disease


back to HEADLINE: Antidepressants are a Prescription for Mass Shootings

  • This was written in 2011…so why haven’t we done anything about this?
  • Lists of school shootings with their respective antidepressant they were on
6:57 Discussion of Sundays Gospel – temptation


back to HEADLINE: Antidepressants are a Prescription for Mass Shootings

  • One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants cause both suicidal thoughts and violent behavior.  This is a prescription for mass shootings.”
7:05 back to HEADLINE: Cut the Crap 

  • Hey, maybe we should start talking about the fact that so-called “depression” oftentimes is a function of people living their lives wallowing in mortal sin.
7:07 Caller Todd McClure:

  • as an employer I have had several employees that have had issues on the job with antidepressants
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HEADLINE: Warmongering Us Senator Lindsey Graham Demands Creation Of A “European Army”, Then Menacingly Threatens Russia “You Are Going To Get What You Deserve” by Andrew Bieszad

  • US Constitution Article 1 Section 8
  • Understand the use of the term “armies” You would raise it, wage war, then disband it. Hence the term “armies”.
  • European capabilities? Name the European country that doesn’t know how to raise an army!
  • Who funds NATO? Answer: USA
  • Graham then basically threatens Russia “you’re going to get what you deserve”







HEADLINE: Was America Ever Great? ‘Why Liberalism Failed’ Says No by Ross Hunt

  • * 57 million American citizens did not have “family life” b/c they were legally killed by the liberalism you fawn over
  • I used to believe all of this, but it’s just not logical
  • Correct Christianity?


  • “We need to better understand how the Liberal Project was intended to correct Christianity.” – Hunt
  • What else did your precious Liberalism bring? The Atomic Bomb!
  • It has produced wars and war-like behavior that “Christians” seem to love today.

  • ask any parent that has a down syndrome child, they all say their life is beyond blessed b/c of their child
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 8:48 Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
8:50 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.




HEADLINE: Mark Zuckerberg Takes on His Facebook Frankenstein Monster by Gracy Olmstead

  • Zuckerberg, like many in our enlightened and progressive age, believes in human perfectibility
  • Anything in moderation is okay but it can be used to promote evil
  • all it does is create enemies, it divides families and friends
9:15 Pope Boniface VIII-1302

Unam Santa – One God, One Faith, One Spiritual Authority

30 Largest Mega Churches:

What do all of these images have in common?

9:18 back to HEADLINE: Mark Zuckerberg

  • AUDIO: the Coke Cola song? But no….Coke used this top 40 song
9:26 HEADLINE: Why This Little Book on Humility Is So Great by John Horvat II

  • John Horvat II reviews Mike Church’s book Humility of Heart
  • Everything seems to work against its message. And yet one senses that this very message is what so many crave in a world of uncertainty, brutality and frenzy.






back to HEADLINE: Mark Zuckerberg 

  • A social network that rewards only clicks, not subscriptions, is like a dating service that encourages one-night stands but not marriages.  One where they can gaze into a backlit screen, click around, and imagine they aren’t wasting their lives clicking around on a backlit screen.
  • “One where they can gaze into a backlit screen, click around, and imagine they aren’t wasting their lives clicking around on a backlit screen.” – Olmstead
  • “But at some point, we must confront the world we’ve made online—because whether we like it or not, it will infect and alter our physical reality.” – Olmstead
  • In our world people don’t consider the soul and that it needs to be fed


Host of Reverse Deception – Gregory Carpenter on Skype:

  • when will Pops Carpenter come back to Reverse Deception?
  • Coming Up Today on Reverse Deception-wrapping up the 9-11 series with Episode III
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Written by: TheKingDude

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