Founders Television

Madison Explains It All: Why Ted Cruz Can Or Cannot Run For President

todayAugust 14, 2013 7

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    Madison Explains It All: Why Ted Cruz Can Or Cannot Run For President ClintStroman

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Today’s Complete Founder’s TV Audio:

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    Madison Explains It All: Why Ted Cruz Can Or Cannot Run For President ClintStroman


Today’s Founder’s TV Audio Preview:

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    Madison Explains It All: Why Ted Cruz Can Or Cannot Run For President ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – There’s an ongoing discussion of whether or not Ted Cruz is eligible for running for President… even though he has not announced is running as of yet. Certainly he meets the requirements for being a Senator, but does he meet the requirements for being a President? Let’s let James Madison explain… According to Mr. Madison the “natural born citizen” requirement does not necessarily mean that he was born on U.S. soil. The question is more about the loyalty of ones parents? If ones parents are loyal to another country when that person is born then they may not be considered a natural born citizen. Read more about what Madison wrote here in today’s Project 76 post and be sure and check out today’s Founders TV for more of Mike’s take on this and sign up for a Founders Pass to get all of the Founders TV and much more!

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Written by: ClintStroman

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