Madison Says: Don’t Support Trump’s Immigration Plan & Call Yourself a Constitutionalist
todayJuly 30, 2015
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As I said last hour, people think all these other things are so worried about Jorge and Jesus and everyone else sneaking into the country. While that is a concern, and, yes, recidivism amongst illegals is a valid, genuine concern, it is a secondary concern to the primary function of government, which is to act on behalf of the common good. That’s why you establish a government. We’re not acting on behalf of the common good. Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: As I said last hour, people think all these other things are so worried about Jorge and Jesus and everyone else sneaking into the country. While that is a concern, and, yes, recidivism amongst illegals is a valid, genuine concern, it is a secondary concern to the primary function of government, which is to act on behalf of the common good. That’s why you establish a government. We’re not acting on behalf of the common good.
By the bye, let me just say something about the Trump campaign and this adulation that’s being heaped upon him because [mocking] “He’s standing up to these illegal immigrants.” Let me break this down for you. Let me see if I understand this. So we don’t want presidential
abuses of power. We don’t want presidents to abuse power. We don’t want presidents to act up outside the Constitution. We don’t want presidents to expand the office of the presidency. When Trump tells Dana Bash of the Clinton News Network that “I” will order the roundup and then the deportation of 11 million, under what authority, President Trump?
Even if I were to concede that Congress has omnipotent power over illegal immigrants – and I won’t concede it. They don’t and they shouldn’t. Even if I were to concede that, that’s up to Congress to order that. It’s Congress that would have to enact that. Now, one thing that President Trump could do, I suppose, would be he could find a cache of executive orders that had been issued by President Obama – remember that President Bush was a big immigration / amnesty promoter as well. He could find those executive orders and he could basically write one and say: I’m going to refer to 13, 14, however many executive orders there are, that say this and that about immigrants and this and that about deportation, etc., etc. I’m negating all of them. Under my authority, I’m saying that that power is given back.
Remember, when Obama did this and gave the blanket amnesty or the backdoor amnesty, the DREAM Act amnesty that he granted earlier this year, remember, [mocking] “This is an abuse of power.” Okay, let’s pretend for a moment that it is an abuse of power. Let’s not pretend, let’s just state that it is. The only way to then undo the abuse of power would be then to undo the executive orders. It would not be to issue new ones claiming the same power but just using it differently. You people can’t have it both ways.
But then again, just like with most things, we don’t want an actual three-tiered constitutional system and the Constitution the way it was ratified to get in the way of what we wish to fantasize about and what we wish for our government to do. I’ll tell you something else. Where are the governors and legislators of the other 48 states? Rolling over and playing dead and saying [mocking] “The federal government has authority” – you don’t read very much if you say that, sir. The experience of the people of Arizona says a different story. Under what authority does Arizona continue to act and say: They’re not going to do anything about this so we’re going to do something about it. Where is your hallowed Congress? What gets in the way of Arizona and Sheriff Arpaio enforcing their laws that they have legally implemented that would do what Trump is talking about doing? You sneak into Arizona, we catch you, and we ship you out. We put you in a camp until you can be shipped out, whatever the case may be.
What gets in the way of that? What stops that? The Article III federal judiciary. Where is Congress? This is a simple matter for Congress to write a simple resolution instructing any federal jurist to say: You may not hear a case in your court, you may not hear any case and rule on any case where a legislature has acted using its own sovereignty, under the Constitution and the 10th Amendment – as if you needed the 10th Amendment; you don’t but we’ll use it – under the 10th Amendment to supervise, superintend, police, exercise authority over what amounts to alien friends.
You see, I don’t want to gum up this wonderful conversation and this wonderful obsession with Mr. Trump and doing something about all these illegal immigrants with facts, law, and the Constitution as ratified. That would just get in the way, would get you get you angry, and have people screaming at me. As a matter of fact, you’re probably writing hate mail right now. [mocking] “You don’t know. That’s not the way it’s supposed to work.” Really? Prove me wrong then. I triple dude dare you. Go ahead. Try it. Prove me wrong.
I’ll come back at you with founding fathers statements and early acts of Congress all the way up until the 1880s where the states’ roles in supervising the importation of alien friends into their midst was acknowledged. If it was acknowledged, then it was constitutional. No amendment has been passed that would grant Congress the authority that they claim or that the feckless state legislators and the feckless and spineless state governors claim belongs to Congress. This is a power that must be shared. The state has a superior interest in alien friends that are in their midst than Congress ever will. The states and the people that have to live in the States have to live amongst these people. I don’t want to wade into this again with facts and with how a federal system is supposed to work. Let’s just give three cheers for the guys who want to deport everyone. [/private]
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I’m not an opponent of the deportation. They are here illegally. There should be plans in place. That doesn’t mean that the states get off the hook. This is just legislative, legal sloth here is what it is. It’s laziness. [mocking] “We can get away with this because we can just blame Congress for it not happening.” Instead of blaming, why don’t the state legislatures and governors do something about it? [mocking] “They can’t stand up to Congress.” Why not? Isn’t that the problem, that they don’t and won’t stand up to Congress?
As a matter of fact, if you’re getting ready to write that hate mail, I’ll tell you what I’m going to send to you. Remember I just mentioned John Taylor of Caroline County’s speech in the Virginia Assembly on nullification. What were the Virginians trying to nullify? What were they trying to nullify? What were the acts that they were trying to nullify? Can you name them? Let me give them to you. The Alien and Sedition Acts. The Sedition Acts they wanted to nullify based on the First Amendment to the Constitution. The Alien Acts they wanted to nullify based on the agreed-upon, ratified intent that the states would supervise and superintend alien friends in their midst, amongst their own population. That was their power. They reserved it. They never granted it to Congress. Yet the Adams administration said: If you have an alien Frenchman in your state, your little city, we reserve the right to imprison them because they may be parties to countries that want to go to war with us. Of course, those countries did not go to war with us. That’s what was being nullified, the alien part of the Sedition Acts, the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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