
McCain And Co. Are Determined To Make War In Syria

todayMay 31, 2013 20


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Bashar Al-Assad, for all of his faults, does provide protection to Christians in Syria.  If McCain and company are successful in arming and aiding and abetting the “Syrian rebels,” our new buddies over there in Syria and they overthrow Assad, they’re going to do to the Syrian Christians what the Egyptian lunatics did to the Coptic Christians.  They have no tolerance, ladies and gentlemen.  American-paid-for weapons will be used against Syrian Christians.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I brought this up two weeks ago.  I probably brought it up before, but I recall bringing it up two weeks ago because I received a text message from a friend of mine who said: Mike, your instinct is correct on Syrians.  Bashar Al-Assad, for all of his faults, does provide protection to Christians in Syria.  If McCain and company are successful in arming and aiding and abetting the “Syrian rebels,” our new buddies over there in Syria and they overthrow Assad, they’re going to do to the Syrian Christians what the Egyptian lunatics did to the Coptic Christians.  They have no tolerance, ladies and gentlemen.  American-paid-for weapons will be used against Syrian Christians.


You people that love to send me mail and lecture me about, [mocking] “You don’t know what you’s talking about.  You gotta be a Israel firster.  All you conservative radio people gots to be Israel firsters.  We gots to protect Israel.”  I always say: Why?  I usually get an answer that Bill Kristol would provide.  Sometimes I’ll get, [mocking] “That’s where Jesus ended his life.  We gotta do it.  It’s the right thing to do.”  You tell me now, you interventionists out there, is arming up lunatics that are going to hunt down — we know they’re going to do this because they have a history of doing it — Christians in Syria using the weapons that McCain and company want to give to these people, is that prudent policy?

So Rand Paul, Senator Paul, God bless him, picks up on this yesterday.  Here’s the headline, “Rand Paul: Syrian rebel aid ‘dangerous’.”  Yeah, ya think?

Mike Church Show Transcript: Authorization To Use Military Force… And Constitutional Illiteracy


Sen. Rand Paul on Thursday stressed his opposition to U.S. intervention in the bloody conflict in Syria even as some of his GOP colleagues have made a forceful case for action on the issue.

[end reading]

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailMike:  Forceful case for action according to whom?  That’s what I’d like to know.  Who has made the forceful case for action?  Decepticons?  These people will never be stopped, folks, as long as they have access to our wallets, as long as they can conscript — [mocking] “It’s a volunteer army, Mike.”  Okay, whatever.  As long as they can conscript our children, as long as they can conscript our wallets in the building, subsidizing, supporting of the vast military-industrial complex, these madmen will never stop their utopian pursuit of actually fulfilling the fantasy of James Bond villains and ruling the world.


“It is unclear what national security interests we have in the civil war in Syria,” the Kentucky Republican wrote in an op-ed published at “It is very clear that any attempt to aid the Syrian rebels would be complicated and dangerous, precisely because we don’t know who these people are.”

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript: You Wanted War And You Got It…For Decades To Come

Mike:  Guess what?  We do know who some of them are.  Before I get to the rest of the Rand story, here’s another headline from Reuters today, “U.S. senator McCain pictured with Syrian rebel kidnapper.”


U.S. Senator John McCain was photographed during a trip to Syria with a man implicated in the kidnapping by Syrian rebels of 11 Lebanese Shi’ite pilgrims a year ago, a Lebanese newspaper said on Thursday.

McCain, a Republican, has been an outspoken advocate for U.S. military aid to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad and made a short, highly publicised trip to meet rebel commanders in Syria three days ago. [Mike:  I still can’t believe that he made this trip.]

He has insisted that the United States could locate the “right people” to help among rebel ranks infiltrated with radicalised Islamists.

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Mike:  There’s another point to this that I’d like to bring up yet again.  Let’s see if I understand this correctly.  If you’re a member of a ReFounding Father Society, my little organization at, if you’re a member of a Tea Party, if you’re a member of, heaven forfend, a volunteer militia — they have a few in Texas that I know of and some other peaceful ones across the amber waves of fuel — if you’re a former military member and you’re an American citizen living in the United States, you are a danger and a threat to all of humanity.  As a matter of fact, you are implicated and accused of being a threat to children because if we let you own military-grade and military-style automatic and semiautomatic weapons, we know what you’ll do.  You’ll march into an elementary school somewhere in Connecticut and you’ll start mowing down kids.  We know you Tea Partiers.  We know you ReFounders.  We know you returning military lunatics.  You can’t be trusted with those weapons.  How about our new buddies in Syria, admitted and avowed Islamic nutjob terrorists?  Can we trust them?  Oh, hell yeah.  Hell yeah we can trust them, with our lives.  But don’t worry, Senator McCain is ready for action.  [mocking] “I’m a commander.  Screw everybody.  Screw you.  I can pick good people, you wait and see.”


He has insisted that the United States could locate the “right people” to help among rebel ranks infiltrated with radicalised Islamists.

However, he may have crossed paths with men linked to a group notorious in the region for kidnapping the pilgrims, the Daily Star said.

The paper said that as well as McCain’s photographs with rebel commanders, one image showed the face of Mohammad Nour – identified by two freed hostages as the chief spokesman and photographer for the Northern Storm brigade that kidnapped them. [Mike: No, these are our buddies.  These are our new BFFs, best friends forever, don’t ya know?]

Mike Church Show Transcript: Unauthorized, Undeclared Wars Go Back Much Farther Than Obama Or Bush

The image demonstrates the difficulty of identifying who the West might want to deal with and could possibly further inflame the delicate sectarian balance in a conflict that is spilling over Lebanon’s borders.

A spokesman for McCain said none of the people he met identified themselves as Nour and it had not been his intention to meet anyone of that name.

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Mike:  It’s also not your intention, Senator McCain, to give anyone like Nour a weapon, now is it?  So McCain goes to Syria to go meet his new rebel buddies, his new commanders in the field for the McCain Army, I guess.  According to his staff, he inadvertently hooks up with notorious pilgrim kidnappers.  Then he wants to make the case that he’s confident that we can weaponized these people and get the weapons into the right rebel hands.  Even if I were to just acknowledge for a moment and say I guess that’s possible, I guess it could happen, what guarantee do you have, after you’ve gotten the weapons into the hands of the right rebel people, what guarantee, what assurance could you possibly have that that particular rebel is not then going to turn the weapon over to someone whose hands you don’t want it to be in?  So why risk it?  This is maddening.  This is maddening!  Now back to Rand Paul:


“They do not understand why we won’t help them,” McCain said of the rebels on CNN on Wednesday, also noting that he doesn’t want boots on the ground. [Mike: So you don’t want boots on the ground, you just want de facto boots.  You want agents, in other words. And that’s what our rebel buddies will be. They will be our agents.]

Mike Church Show Transcript: John McCain Thinks We Should “Crater The Runways” In Syria

But Paul, whose father, former Rep. Ron Paul, is a champion of noninterventionist foreign policy, said that some of the rebels could have ties to Al Qaeda, and that the U.S. would do best to keep out of the conflict. [Mike: Oh, come now.  Have a little faith, Senator Paul. Senators McCain, Lieberman, Graham, Ayotte and the rest of them, Rubio, they’ve got this thing all figured out. That’s just the stress talking. Once we get involved here, you’ll see, you’ll see.]

“Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is no friend to the U.S. — but neither is Al Qaeda,” Paul continued. “To aid members of Al Qaeda in any way, directly or indirectly, is an insult to our brave men and women who’ve been fighting these terrorists since 9/11.”

“The Christian community in Syria has traditionally sided with, and been protected by, Bashar Assad’s regime. It is troubling to think that American arms may be given to Islamic fighters who may in turn be firing them at Christians,” Paul wrote. He added, “These Christians are natural allies of the United States, and if we’re going to seriously discuss any American interests in Syria, the welfare of these Christians is more important than arming Islamic extremists.”

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. wynotme307 on June 2, 2013

    Senator McCain must have had a stroke or something. He knows the horrors of war and he knows the real reason we went into the Vietnam War. Either somone is pushing his buttons, or he has a stake in the intervention, or he is just off his rocker. I truly hope Arizonians recognize his dimentia.
