Pile Of Prep

Memorial Day Weekend Pile of Prep

todayMay 27, 2022 4


EXCLUSIVE: You Can Now WATCH The Mike Church Show on CRUSADE Channel TV, Click For Access!

Veritas et Sapientia “Humour me. Imagine for a moment that some force is active in the world which is beyond us. Perhaps we have created it. Perhaps it is independent of us. Perhaps it created itself and uses us for its ends. Either way, in recent years that force seems to have become manifest in some way we can’t quite put our finger on, and has stimulated the craziness of the times. Perhaps it has become self-aware, like Skynet; perhaps it is approaching its Singularity. Perhaps it has always been there, watching, and is now seizing its moment. Or perhaps it is simply beginning to spin out of control, as our systems and technologies become so complex that we can no longer steer them in our chosen direction. Either way, this force seems to be, in some inexplicable way, independent of us, and yet acting within us too.

Let’s give this force a name: a less provocative name, for now, than Moloch or Anti-Christ. Let’s keep it simple. Let’s just call this force Progress. Then, a la Kevin Kelly, let’s ask ourselves a simple question:

What does Progress want?”The Abbey of Misrule, Paul Kingsworth

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Check out the full announcement on The Mike Church Show’s Short Wave Radio broadcasts!

My Latest Substack Columns From The New Christendom Daily

The Demonic, Mass Murder Of Fatherhood And The Horrifying Rise of The Demonic, Mass Murder of Children

Like A Groomer Neighbor State Farm Is Queer

No One Is Asking The Right Question: What IF The Extortion Of SCOTUS on Roe SUCCEEDS!?

FLASHBACK: I Was The FIRST Head “Cancel Culture” Claimed, And I’ve Never Stopped Thanking Them

Humility: The Greatest Lesson I’ve Learned In 30 Years of Talk Radio

The REAL Groomer Agenda: TransCommunism™, Kruschev Shouldda Said “We Will Crush You From Within… Disney World!”

YOU Are The Most Unlikely Yet Chosen One, Man Has Played “Maytag Repairman” To Something Only Saints Can Fix: The Fall & Humanity.

Colorado Becomes The New, New Tenochtitlan Making Human Sacrifice LegalGovernor Polis Signs Bill That Foretells The Demonic Rage That Will Happen After Roe Is Overturned

We Are Being Herded Into An Ingenious Diabolical Collective… The System They Created Is Rigged For You To Fight It And Insure THEIR Perpetuity And Your Defeat, Here’s How We Beat Them…

THE KINGDUDE’S RUNDOWN – Headline’s and The King’s Commentary

TX School Shooter Lingered Outside School for 12 Minutes Shooting, Then Walked in Unobstructed – Mea culpa mea culpa, I had previously reported that the Ramos Massacrer got into a shooting match with an SRO but alas, the media that reported that has now retracted and revised the story

Texas School Shooter’s Dad: ‘He Should’ve Just Killed Me’ – The Daily Beast story confirms that the elder Ramos was not in the home and that the younger Ramos was basically homeless. This story gets more confusing by the hour….

WATCH: Dad of Little Amerie Garza, the little girl who called 911 and was then shot in the head by Salvador Ramos, breaks down in an interview with DC 180 “how could someone look at my sweet baby girl and shoot her!?”

There WAS a cop on duty that morning who saw the maniac coming and shot at him but missed giving more credence to my Substack column that Ramos had preternatural assistance

Texas school shooter Salvador Ramos was bullied at school because of the clothes he wore and because his family was poor, former classmate says – Read the entire story to reveal the tragedy of another young man, growing up with no father or male father figure, drunk on social media who “endured gay slurs” and you can figure out what was going on: he was at least cross-dressing. 

Fox News: John Roberts Breaks The Silence About Vaccine Injuries – Fox News’ John Roberts has chest pain after his “booster” FranenJab, posts it as a question on Twitter and then receives over 4,000 REPLIES telling him of their similar reactions!

The Pro-Choice Fairytale – Carrie Gress’s latest on the great lie that has been told and is still being told to young women about their TRUE value to God and their families

New York Times Repudiates Drive for “Decisive Military Victory” in Ukraine, Calls for Peace Negotiations – The reality on the ground in Ukraine cannot be changed by the West’s Media Industrial Complex’s fairy tale of  the “heroic” Zelensky and holy Ukraine

State Farm donating transgender books for 5-year-olds to schools in Florida – So State Farm has decided that making suicidal war on their future clients is good business practice!? There are demons ascending everywhere!

The Biden Regime Plans To Decree A Digital Currency & CBDC Tracking System – Yep, they will track your spending, put it in spreadsheets, find out where “white supremacists” are shopping and then move to cut off the sales by digital fiat. THAT’S what’s coming and we better prepare alternative currencies, STAT!

She-Hulk Shows Why Feminism Is Not the Answer – And guess what this DISNEY powered She-Hulk’s superhero power is!? Yep, dominating men in every way imaginable, the era of Clown Media is now at its peak and we pray so is Disney’s demise.

Airbnb Announces Domestic Business Withdrawal From China – Hmmm seeing as how Air-B-n-B practices the Chinese Social Credit Scoring System in tracking and rating it’s users this move is obviously about $$. BTW I deleted forever my Airbnb account in October last after my family was doxxed and our reservation for a vaction was cancelled and we were only told WHEN WE ARRIVED. Do NOT do business with these criminals!

First Mandatory Quarantines for Monkeypox as White House Warns of More Cases – Read all the way to the end to discover that the “monkey pox” is almost exclusively being transmitted between sodomites, sound familiar?

READ – Archbishop Cordeleone’s Letter To Nazi Pelosi

Editorial: Attack on Nancy Pelosi should be San Francisco archbishop’s final act here – The San Francisco Examiner now pretends that Catholicism DOES matter and it must be practiced the way they think is proper without bothering to address the Church law Cordeleone invoked against the Shrieker

Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: “Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment” – Read the whole thing and you’ll discover that Ritter is basically saying that NATO/US/UK pouring $50 billion in weapons into Ukraine is having an impact

The WHO is changing their International Health Regulations…& that’s NOT good – Davos & WHO begin on the same day, coincidence!? I don’t believe in them!

Australian Transgender Surfer Crushes the Competition in Open Women’s Divisions – This wretched excuse for a man actually won the same event as a man in 2019 but is now “passionate about transgender athletics”! TRANSlation: “I can’t win in men’s because I got too old but I can crush in the women’s, cowatransa!”

Biden Seeks New Unilateral Powers for WHO Chief to Declare Public Health Emergencies – I once thought the meltdown into abject tyranny in Mordor on The Potomac’s gubbmint couldn’t get any worse than under Dear Leader Chairman MaObama BUT Regime Leader Biden has made Obummer look positively magnanimous.

I Visited ‘the Holiest Place in Louisiana,’ Where a Miracle Took Place in 1866 – Brother André Marie’s travelogue on his visit to the Fellowship Of The Clans Congress, just concluded in Grand Coteau, Louisiana

DHS preparing for violence following abortion ruling – The Biden Regime’s plan to create the conditions that REQUIRE a Federal police state become clearer by the day.

Disney announces new 2022 LGBTQ+ clothing collection for kids – The Groomers at Disney are now introducing sex and sexuality to children completely out in the open; a well earned bankruptcy looms!

No, it’s NOT “fake news.” It’s Nazi propaganda – Someone who’s over there demolishes three whopping lies about “Ukraine,” with visual evidence beyond dispute

Tennessee Senate Passes Bill That Withholds Funding From Schools Allowing Transgender Athletes to Compete – This flies directly in the face of a White House document that not only pimps men competing as women it threatens to remove children from homes where parents object to chemical & physical mutilation of their “trans” children

Democrats: Party Of Child Mutilators & Kidnappers – “The Demons Are Ascendent, They’ve Come For The Children And They Won’t Take No For An Answer”. The Biden Regime is physically coming for your children. Seriously.

Disney Queers Children, Says Disney Exec – I Told Ya So (see below)

Must Watch Video “The New Normal” – You Must Watch This Video Because It Recounts The Entire Saga of The CoronaHoax™ & What The Cult of Death Oligarchs Intend To Do With It: End “Useless” Humans!


Demoncrats Have Become Far Worse Than Nazis Ever Dreamed Of

Watch as Beto O’Rourke storms into Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s press conference on the Uvalde massacre to  shamelessly plug his gun control madness. As I told Richard Barrett this morning in our show prep Signal Chat:

They have become something worse. Its almost as though they FEED off of the mass murder epidemic. They show up at every single one of them stealing the attention from the grieving dead to plead their demonic causes. Some grieving parent or uncle is going to lose it on one of them.

The Unilever Corp., Makers of Dove Show What Ethics In Retail Could Be

I admit, this film made me weep, its that good, well made and I believe, important. Thank you, Dove.

#VoteHarder Was Just Proven To Be A Failure In Pennsylvania

Emerald Robinson has a good, detailed report on what happened to Kathy Barnett and Doctor Oz in last Tuesday’s PA Primary: they were mail-in ballot defeated by the McConnell – Mordor GOP favorite, McCormick and even Don John of Mar-a-Lago knows it.

Sports Illustrated’s Promotion Of Obesity Is Just Another Brick In The Cult of Death’s Wall

Jordan Peterson is catching predictable flack for stating the obvious on the gratuitously obese Yum Nu’s making the cover of SI as “beautiful” but his real point should be that promoting obesity in the era of Covid is simply sadistic as the data clearly show that the #1 risk category for CoronaDoom™ death, outside of old age, is obesity, to say nothing of the near guarantee that Nu’s level of obesity practically guarantees she will become Type II diabetic!

‘Membah Event 201 From November of 2019?

That’s not all the Federales and Gates Foundation were working on, having already NAMED and sent $$$ to a reserach lab in Ukraine for “COVID-19 Research”. See for yourself:

It’s A Heartache…The Myocardital Damage From PfizerJab Is Nearly Universal

I missed last Thursday’s Highwire with Del Bigtree and apparently it was a doozie. Here is Dr. Robert Malone on the subject of permanent and widespread Myocarditis damage among the double jibbed.

Then our friend Dr. Ryan Cole explains the discovery of nano-particles and how they are the causes of the myocarditis damage.

The Biden Regime Will Be The Last ‘Murican Regime

When you wander about and misquote a canonized saint (Aquinas) to sanction the murder of the soon to be born then for an encore try and start a land war in Asia against a superior armed foe and NO ONE CAN STOP YOU, the Rubicon hath been crossed, Waterloo is here, 




From Paul Kengor at Crisis:

On the matter of unborn human life, Biden just dropped this whopper on the general public and people of his Church: “Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?”

Janet Yellin IS Moloch

The demons are on Defcon 1, highest alert possible. I cannot prepare you for this video but you will not be surprised that Moloch must be fed by the Treasury Secretary of the U.S.

Tell Me Again WHY You Think The Consecration of Russia To The Immaculate Heart Didn’t Happen!?

The satan worshipping  lunatics at “Ruth Sent Us” promise to desecrate Our Lord’s Holy body and Precious blood over “centuries of …Catholic …abuses [of women’s ‘rights’]”.

How ‘Muricah Created Vladimir Putin

Renowned Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner in 2018, came to Yale university to deliver a talk on “How The United States Created Putin” and confirms what I have been telling you: the Russian Federation now waging war on Ukraine was created by ‘Muricah’s bellicose and arrogant foreign policy and there is a REAL danger of an “accidental” nuclear strike from the Russians.

The Land Where History Died – Ukraine

David Stockman, Reagan’s 1st budget director and former member of Congress, is one of the most proficient sound-money, non-interventionist foreign policy advocates there is. Stockman has a piece at UNZ.com that explains the long, wretched history of our meddling in the political and economic affairs of … you guessed it, Ukraine. Here’s some choice excerpts that will have most folks reading this POP calling me “a Putin apologist”.

It should never be forgotten, therefore, that the coup which overthrew the constitutionally elected government in Kiev was a $5 billion all-hands Washington undertaking. It would never have come to fruition as a successful regime change putsch without the heavy hands of the US State Department along with the above mentioned arms of the empire.

Needless to say, nullification of a country’s election—-backed by the stick of NATO’s military might and the carrot of billions from a Washington/EU/IMF consortium—-is big league meddling, but not by the clueless hypocrisy of the Washington foreign policy blob.

Indeed, as former president Obama told CNN at the time, Washington was just going about its “indispensable nation” business. It had helpfully encouraged another “flowering of democracy” and to that end had,

“……brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”

Brokered a deal my eye!

And what has this meddling produced for the people of Ukraine?

So the appalling truth of the matter is this: Owing to Washington’s blatantly foolish and reckless coup in February 2014, the grandsons and granddaughters of Stalin’s industrial army in the Donbas were to be ruled by the grandsons and granddaughters of Hitler’s collaborators in Kiev, whether they liked it or not.

Read the whole thing here to get a non-jingoist view of what LED to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

We Are Not Alone

Watch Tricia Lindsay, an attorney from NYC give the most impassioned speech for a turn to the Social Kingship of Christ and subsidiarity as THE solution to the Cult of Death Cabal’s Great Reset. 

Add Air BnB To The “Do NOT” Fund List

I told ya so! On Yesterday’s show I pointed out that our upcoming Congress in Arnaudville LA would be responsible for many attendees seeking Bed and Breakfast lodging for the 4 days and that WHATEVER those souls do, do NOT book with Air BnB! Now come Michelle Malkin’s story and Joy Pullman’s article on it:

Malkin is raising funds to support a lawsuit against Airbnb. Lawsuits and uses of the administrative state to gum up its works are one way to impose costs on leftist culture aggressors. Others would include defunding the institutions they control, such as K-12 schools, colleges, and administrative agencies. Still others include turning the deep state on itself by filing complaints and revealing its secrets through investigative reporting, lawsuit discovery, and open records requests.

This is the offensive strategy the right needs to employ in tandem with accelerating their building of parallel institutions to comprise a freedom economy within the bureaucratized economy. But these institutions need defenders if they are to not become just another target for leftist takeover and cancellation. We both need our own replacement institutions and to wage political and cultural war on the institutions that give leftists their overweening power.

People have to get off their couches and realize that there’s nowhere to run and hide. The left is going to come for you and your kids no matter where you live. You can’t hide, you have to fight.

Read the whole thing and listen to my comments on this from The Mike Church Show!

PINNED – The CRUSADER Knights Newsletter Has Officially Launched!

Gentlemen!  I have FINALLY put all the pieces into place to begin exhorting all CRUSADER Knights of The Holy Rosary Into Service and Action! UNFORTUNATELY, during the transfer of email services, The CRUSADER Knights email list was only partially recovered and so I ask all Knights to go to the CRUSADER Knight home page, here, and register your email address once again so we can send out Volume I, Issue I tonight! Meanwhile, check out the brand new CRUSADER Knights Crest & Shield!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

It’s May 2022 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel are 74 months old this month. To see another 12 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!WednesdayMoMonday Pile of prep

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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