Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You go to a sporting event, any public event, and unless it’s maybe a Neiman Marcus in-store parade, you will see the absence of the American male, the absence of the assertive and domineering American father. You’ll see it everywhere. This is, I think, and I would wager that many people once they’ve unplugged the matrix cable out of the back of their head and they actually witness this, will see this as well. You see this in unruly behavior of children because there is no male around to say no. There are so many instances that you see this in. It’s tragic. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: I went to a Christmas parade yesterday in the little town of Norco, Louisiana. One thing that is missing in American life in 2012, and it will bludgeon you over the head if you open your eyes, think about it critically and look for it. As a matter of fact, I would wager to say that it is the specter, the unfolding human tragedy in real time of our day. You can witness it almost anywhere: sporting events, parades, public events. It is not ubiquitous, that’s a good thing. It is, however, nearing majority and that’s dangerous, and the statistics bear this out.
What is it that I’m speaking about that is not ubiquitous but near majority and is the visual and I would say philosophical and emotional and intellectual and asecular, meaning religious tragedy of our times? I’ll tell you what it is. It is the absence of the American father, or the father that is an American citizen. It is his absence that you can blame a lot of this on. I’m not going to theorize about the last two shootings because I don’t know what surrounds those. I do know, generally speaking, that 45 percent of all children that are not born to well-to-do young women are now born out of wedlock.
You can see this out in public. You go to a sporting event, any public event, and unless it’s maybe Neiman Marcus in-store parade, you will see the absence of the American male, the absence of the assertive and domineering American father. You’ll see it everywhere. This is, I think, and I would wager that many people once they’ve unplugged the matrix cable out of the back of their head and they actually witness this, will see this as well. You see this in unruly behavior of children because there is no male around to say no. There are so many instances that you see this in. It’s tragic. It is tragic that the father and the Christian gentleman father who is the leader of the family, who is that family member that keeps the unit together, who is and has accepted his responsibility as a father should, that it is his job to get those children and that wife to heaven. That individual is in short supply.
This has an awful lot to do, again, with what ails so many young men and so many young men that turn to violence. It is what ails so many young women that turn to sex with men they don’t know as some sort of a cure, some sort of a salve, some sort of a Band-Aid or patch to what seems to be missing from their lives. Isn’t it just intriguing to think that the father is missing and what is it in the Holy Trinity that there is? There’s the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. There is the father, the almighty. If the human father is missing, there’s a very good chance that the heavenly father is missing. That is what leads to the corruption of morality. That is what leads to men saying, “You can go ahead and do that. Nobody is watching.” Of course nobody is watching. They’ve never been told that no one is watching or that someone actually is watching.
My buddy Winston Elliott over at The Imaginative Conservative has a post from Alexander Solzhenitsyn. I won’t read it to you. Go read it for yourself. It’s in today’s Pile of Prep. The title of it is “Men Have Forgotten God.” This is Solzhenitsyn, who lived through or saw major parts of the Russian revolution and saw what it was that was chased out of Russia, and it wasn’t just capitalists. The Man was chased out of Russia as well. Folks, you’ve got to consider that. If you talk about these things and these incidents here, you have to talk about what it is that can be traced as a cause of not only that, but why is there no father in that young man or child’s life? Why is that person missing? They’re missing because they have been told that they don’t need to be around anymore. As long as we have Uncle Sam playing daddy, what do you need actual daddies for? When you travel, as I have traveled in the last four days, and attend as many public events as I attend — there are dads, don’t get me wrong, there just aren’t enough. They need to be ubiquitous, not evenly balanced by their absence. That’s the point.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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