
Mike Church Interviews Rob Maness

todayFebruary 2, 2016 11


Rob Maness Talks Founders, Policy, and the Military


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Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Colonel Rob Maness has announced here today on this show, previous to his big announcement tonight that you’re going to run for the United States Senate seat being left open by retiring David Vitter.  Talk for a minute if you will, what do you fear about another campaign?  What do you fear your opponents will bring up?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest or listen to the show via Founders Pass Membership here….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Colonel Rob Maness is on the Dude Maker Hotseat here on the Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel.  This is your second visit here.  You were here in November.

Rob Maness:  That’s right.  I forgot about that.

Mike:  How do you like the digs?

Maness:  I love it.  I think it’s great.  I’m glad to see you still on the air and bringing this Veritas Channel back up.  I’m a supporter and I want to see it succeed.  I’m excited to be here.

Mike:  The good news for you is I won’t ever come to you, after you’re elected senator of Louisiana, I won’t ever come to you and ask you for money.  Can you just slide in a bill for Veritas?  We need a new sidewalk out there.

We need a new radio tower here.  The parish could use it, too.  Colonel Rob Maness has announced here today on this show, previous to his big announcement tonight that you’re going to run for the United States Senate seat being left open by retiring David Vitter.  Talk for a minute if you will, what do you fear about another campaign?  What do you fear your opponents will bring up?  What are you most feared or trepidated about, things you know that they’re going to say and you also know them to be totally overblown and imbecilic, cheesy, smarmy political attack and you just want to set the record straight right now?  Is there anything?  There may not be anything.

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Maness:  I have no fear of those folks.  I know what it’s like to be afraid.  I’ve served in combat and had to command Americans in combat.  I know what it’s like to have to overcome your fear with courage.  That’s what courage is all about.  I will tell you that they hate me.  The lobbyists hate me.  The insider politicians hate me.  The media doesn’t like me, the big media especially because they think I’m intruding into their little empire here.  They’re going to fight against me.  They’re going to say that I have no experience in politics.  That’s my best asset.  Outsider is the first thing on the tagline.  A true outsider is what we need, not somebody that’s come up the ladder of politics either at the local, state, or federal level.

They know I’m a fighter.  I have a strong record and a long record of fighting for my people, even though I may be fighting against my superior officers or people that are above me in the corporation or my peers.  I have a very strong record of doing that because I believe in doing what’s right versus what’s best for my political career.  Yes, you do have political career when you’re an officer in the United States military.  They’ll throw that out there.  They’ll throw out probably that I wasn’t born here.  I was an Air Force brat, a military brat.  My dad was in the Air Force for 23 years.  I grew up in it.  He retired and then I lived for about three years where he’s from in southwest Tennessee, a little place called Beech Bluff.

Mike:  At least it’s in America.

rob manessManess:  He grew up picking cotton and planting cotton for his dad, my grandpa, who also couldn’t make enough money farming so he was the custodian at his kids’ school.  They all went to the same high school.  I got to graduate there.  My older brothers got to graduate there.  At 17 I went back in the Air Force as an enlisted man.  They’ll throw that out there.  You know what?  I’ve traveled the world and the country all of my life except for those three short years.  Guess how many years I’ve spent living in Louisiana?  That’s why I’m a Louisianan, because I’ve spent more years of my life than anywhere else on the planet right here in the greatest state in America, the crown jewel, the centerpiece of the United States of America, in my opinion.  I lived in north Louisiana in Bossier City twice for a total of about nine years.  I’ve lived here in south Louisiana for five years.  They’ll throw that out there.

They’ll throw out that I took a farm subsidy when I took mortgages to buy some farmland.  I wanted to invest in some farmland and see what that operation was all about.  It was about $4700 a year.  They’ll say I’m not conservative because of that.  Those programs were designed to help farmers that had mortgages so they could get past the point where they’re not taking losses every year.  We dropped the subsidy as soon as we were able to break even on it.  We still have the farm.  It’s doing great.  I love what I’ve learned from it, although my wife won’t let me call myself a farmer.

Mike:  Farmer Maness.

Maness:  They’ll throw that out there and those kind of things.  I’m going to tell you, I’m very proud of my life.  I’m very proud of the family I come from.  I’m very proud to call myself two labels that are the labels I talk about, and that is a Louisianan and an American.  Lots of people are going to say: He’s a Tea Party guy.  I even heard a conservative congressman the other day on a station here in New Orleans say: We have too many Tea Party people up there in Washington.  They vote left of John Boehner sometimes trying to defend his vote for John Boehner and Paul Ryan as speaker of the house.  They’re going to throw that out there and say I’m not conservative.  It’s not about conservatism or RINOism or Democrats or Republicans.  It’s about the insiders wanting to keep their power in Washington, DC, and even in Baton Rouge, too.  It’s always about the insiders and longtime career politicians wanting to keep their power, the status quo, and the outsiders, the people that actually are wanted by the citizens of the state or the country to go in and fight for what’s right and get this country on track.

By golly, there are three things that are making the two top presidential candidates successful.  That is, they know that America is weaker than it’s ever been and it needs to be strong so it can regain and then retain its place as the leader of the free world.  When America is leading, we do have a more peaceful world.  Right now the world is on fire.  We’ve got Christians being beheaded and crucified.  Good Lord, where are we, in the sixth century again?


That’s because we’re weak and we haven’t done things the right way as Americans.  That’s what guys like Ronald Reagan stood for.  You’re going to hear a lot of people say I’m like Ronald Reagan.  Yeah, I voted for him.  He was the first guy I voted for.  Gosh, Mike, he was about being strong but at peace.  That’s what he was about.  That’s what I’m about.

Have you tried the all new Veritas Radio Network yet?  You can listen to the Mike Church Show LIVE weekdays 8-11 CST.   The show is easier to access than ever before.  But Veritas Radio isn’t JUST Mike Church, try the exclusive shows by Brother Andre: ReConquest, David Simpson’s True Money, The Mark Kreslins Show, My Story of America with Michael T George, Reverse Deception with Gregory Carpenter and The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman.  Help us continue our search for TRUTH by signing up for a Founders Pass Membership today!

Mike:  Where’s the Peace Party?

Veritas_Radio_home_4Maness:  Exactly right.  Because our Congress has abdicated its power to the executive branch and allowed the executive branch to become this burgeoning, overreaching, overpowered bureaucracy that the president says he can’t even control.  I know how to break bureaucracy and get it to do the job and meet the mission for the American people.  You have to know how to do that as a wing commander and squadron commander and staff officer in the Pentagon and the Armed Forces.  That’s the biggest bureaucracy we’ve ever created.  If we didn’t have people that understood how to do that, we’d never win.  We’d always lose people and equipment and resources on the battlefield more than the enemy does.  That’s not what happens.  We’ve got to get people up there that will actually do that, that don’t care about their political, some political career.

That is why I’m in this race, and that’s why the people of Louisiana are going to send me to Washington to do that job for them.  I’ll do for them exactly what I say I will do for them.  I won’t go up there and join some club of 100.  I don’t want to be one of the good ol’ boys.  I’ve never been a good ol’ boy.  I’ve never liked being an insider, even when I was command of a wing that had 23,000 people living and working on a 53,000-acre installation in the southwestern part of the United States.  I didn’t want to be an insider.  I wanted to do the right thing and make sure my people were taken care of and that we met the mission for the United States of America in that case.

Mike:  Where’s the website?  Where do people go for Rob Maness 2016?

Maness:  It’s

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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