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Mike Church Show 050516 Seg. 1-2-Dear Leader Decrees “We’re All Perverts Now”, KingDude Responds, “No, We’re All Formerly ‘Muricans Now”

todayMay 5, 2016 5


Mandeville, LA – North Carolina, Is Secession Enough? – A day after the Obama [in]Justice Department warned North Carolina of their 'civil rights violation' (a.k.a., NC's HB2 law, passed in March), Mike takes on the topic in full force.  This is an assault; a gross overreach by the federal government, defying political identification.  It is diabolical: another reminder that the penalty for committing a crime against the American Civil Religion is always monetary.  If this doesn't agitate you, there is nothing that will.  With two callers echoing similar sentiments, Mike asks the audience: what other response is there?  It is either, “No; we're not going to comply”, or “We will secede.”  He's been saying it for awhile, folks; we MUST withdraw our consent.

Where are the Catholic-Christian adults?  Where are the priests, the bishops, the prelates? Raise your voices against this before it is too late.  These are mortal sins– they stain your soul.  Should we shut up, leave people to their own devices, and allow them to commit these errors without even suggesting that they shouldn't in the presence of children??  Instructing the children that adultery is no longer a sin…that fornication is not a sin?!

The state governments are in compliance with the federal insanity.  Secession may not be enough.  You elected these people.  Under this system of 'democracy', the legislature has the power to deprive your children of an understanding of morality that is proper and necessary to the salvation of their souls.  The State has now triumphed over all.


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