CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051016 Segments 3-4

todayMay 10, 2016 1


Mandeville, LA – Loretta Lynch Has Declared War on NC. – If there is such a thing as objective truths, and we can know them, we should be able to agree that there is but ONE truth.  We need to put things in their proper order.  The laws of man should conform to the laws of Almighty God.  DC McAllister tacitly rejected this yesterday.  There are NOT thirty-thousand separate flavors of truth– there is but ONE flavor of truth.  We know moral truth by the fact that we can trace it back to the only truth that matters: Jesus of Nazareth.  If it was true at the time He said it, then it will be true today.  But Mitter Church, Mitter Church– we've known and grown; we've edited those teachings!  No; you have not progressed: you've perverted and regressed.  When you deviate from universal truth, you get perverts in women's bathrooms in North Carolina. This is about crushing the truth while it still breathes.

The State tells us that the laws of nature have been overturned.  This is a hatred of God's work, of God's humanity.  Mike plays audio of Loretta Lynch's declaration of war against North Carolina.  We are at an end.  Who is going to protect the children?  This entire thing is the result of not having a single moral code.  How are Christians supposed to treat the disordered transgendered?  Mike elaborates on the piece he wrote yesterday, Hey Pervert Promoters: The Tenth Amendment Does Not Come on A Roll From Charmin.

Caller Don in Florida speaks of how he is advocating for disentangling the government of Florida from out of the Federal government's pocket.  His state– and all states– need to stop accepting federal money because it comes at a cost, with strings attached.  Mike agrees and adds that fictional characters Katniss Everdeen and Tony Stark are not coming to save us; it is time for men to take a stand.  Where are the men?

There is no conservatism in 'Muricah today. If there was conservatism in 'Muricah, it would have a well-defined set of dogmas.  It is regrettable and lamentable.  Even using the term conservatism implies that living a life and directing it toward a secular aim is advisable; truly, then the only “conservatism” that would be advisable is one that has an eternal aim to it.  You are trying to “conserve” your entrance through the Narrow Gate.  We could say that Catholic Orthodoxy is a conservatism of sorts.

There is no conservatism in 'Muricah today. If there was conservatism in 'Muricah, it would have a well-defined set of dogmas. It is regrettable and lamentable. Even using the term conservatism implies that living a life and directing it toward a secular aim is advisable; truly, then the only “conservatism” that would be advisable is one that has an eternal aim to it. You are trying to “conserve” your entrance through the Narrow Gate.  We could say that Catholic Orthodoxy is a conservatism of sorts.  Mike reminds the audience that he did not create nor discover the dogma or magisterium of the Catholic Church.

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