CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051916 Segment 3-4

todayMay 19, 2016 1


Mandeville, LA – The conversation with caller Joss continues as cigar rep Charlie joins Mike in the Twin Smoke Shoppe.  The cigar industry is nervous after the FDA released its new rules; time will tell how much impact the rules will have in places where tobacco is grown.  If you think this will end with small-batch premium cigars, you're wrong. It will continue to microbreweries and hand-crafted beers.

Mike speaks with Andrew Bieszad, our resident Islamic scholar, about the newly-elected mayor of London, a Muslim.  Have you heard about Sharia patrols in Europe? Muslims going into bars and other business establishments harassing the locals, with no consequences.  The country of England, since the Third or Fourth Century, has been on guard; they have made every effort to keep Muslims OUT.   Now, they are inviting them in.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?!  Mike asks what warning signs we, as Christians, should be looking for in the mayor of London's behavior.  Bieszad shares his insight.  The discussion moves to Katie Grimes, a “theologian” at Villanova, who teaches her students that Jesus is “more like a transgender person than a cisgender one.”  Such heresy!

Cigar reps join Mike to discuss the FDA rules on cigars, then Suzanne Sherman calls in to discuss the world premiere of her new show, The Suzanne Option.


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