The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show Episode 280-Has The Cult of Death Finally Run Out Its Advantage

todayJanuary 13, 2017 10


Is there a revival of The Faith at the heart of Trump’s victory? Were the prayers of the faithful its catalyst? Chris Ferrara thinks so, Mike Church concurs.

Mandeville, LA – The people of the United States have fallen away from the rightful Kingship of Jesus Christ, but we have “inched away from the abyss”, says Chris Ferrara. In its stead they have installed our own Civil religion on “We the People”. The LQBTQrstlne agenda remains ascendent, attempting to force itself onto everyone and anyone but, has the diabolical Culture of Death finally run out its advantage with the rejection of the Nephilim spawn of Satan & Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton? Is there a revival of The Faith at the heart of Trump’s victory? Were the prayers of the faithful its catalyst? Chris Ferrara thinks so, Mike Church concurs. Plus, you’ll never hear a more candid and well explained definition of the Catholic teaching on marriage and adultery. Twice, thrice, quadruple married adulterers, take note!

Listen to this entire episode of the Mike Church Show & All Mike’s Shows From The CRUSADE Channel, Click Here.

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Written by: TheKingDude

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