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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – The Terms “Attrition”, “Cuts” and Most Glorious of All “Abolish”, Are Going To Washington With Trump – Mirabile dictu! (speak of miracles). Waiting until it’s too late to throw hissy fits and sabotage the effort, President Trump surreptitiously lets it slip that Mordor on The Potomac River has a spending problem. Trump’s “Landing teams” are prepared to cut bureaus by 20% through attrition and real spending by 10%. Witness now, official Parasitistan spring into action to defend their ill-gotten gains, McMansions, hereditary handing of elite privilege to their heirs who have never earned it etc. Recall Kelly Vlahos exposé of the “Deep State” (audio of my interview here): “These neighborhoods, especially those north of Route 50, are cluttered now with condos, single family ramblers, bungalows, Cape Cods, and brick box homes selling for $900,000 or more depending on the upgrades inside and out. Interspersed, like golden cohorts in a mouthful of well-maintained but otherwise white teeth, are blown-out, mostly neo-craftsman style rehabs, and completely new McMansions sometimes three times the size, looming often awkwardly, and squeezed into fenced-off, quarter-acre lots.” These cuts will not go over without a fight and be prepared for the usual suspects to wheel grandmother’s over cliffs, execute the poor on street corners and film women dying in alleys for lacks of “reproductive health care”.
Violence, calamity and destruction of private property is plotted by these creeps who also fantasize that if their butyric acid bombs successfully deploy all the sprinkler systems in the National Press Club building, the SJW hordes will be treated to “the added benefit that they will be standing out in the freezing cold soaking wet”. This kind of disregard for life and for privacy is what 56 million dead babies via Roe and every other hideous perversion of the natural law of the family has produced. Congratulations, Murciah, a new civil-war is about to erupt because our allegedly precious “democracy” produced the wrong result for Baphomet’s minions.
Written by: TheKingDude
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