
The Mike Church Show Episode 286: Mitter Speaker! The President Of The United States, Donald Trump

todayJanuary 20, 2017 15


Mandeville, LA – Headline of The Day: Progressives Destroyed Normalcy & Are Now Shocked Trump Isn’t Normal – G.K. Chesterton’s joke that you can make a story out of a hero among dragons but not out of a dragon among dragons is applicable here. Those who have given us a 15 character alphanumeric code to determine the sex of humans that can be perfectly carried out with two characters now insist that Donald Trump is not one of us. That Trump in his unique, conceited demeanor is unfit to lead because he is not, well, normal. OK, what human traits or habits or manner of speaking IS normal? The sad fact is the perpetually complaining emperors have no clothes for it is they who have conquered normalcy by allegedly conquering tradition and replacing it with nothing. A Tradition from last week is no tradition at all if it entails the recollection that Chris who was a transitioning to male female is now transitioning to  bi-sexual female. Daniel Payne at The Federalist nails this lunacy with good humor and gravitas. “In Donald Trump, with his admittedly dangerous, devil-may-care attitude, progressives have stumbled upon the value of conserving norms and traditions.” Maybe Donald Trump should begin his inauguration speech by proclaiming that he is transitioning from citizen to President and ask for P to be added to LGBTQrstlne-P!?

What a REAL Inauguration Of A [r]eal [r]epublican Looks Like – “On the morning of Wednesday, March 4, Jefferson emerged from the Conrad and McMunn boarding house at New Jersey Avenue and C Street, where he had been residing for several months. Demonstrating his desire for “republican simplicity,” Jefferson broke the precedent set by his predecessors John Adams and George Washington, who had worn elegant suits and swords for their inaugurations and been driven to the ceremonies in liveried coaches. The tall, 57-year-old Virginian wore, the Alexandria Times reported, the clothes “of a plain citizen without any distinctive badge of office,” and walked[2] the short distance to the unfinished Capitol, accompanied by Virginia militia officers, District of Columbia marshals, and a group of congressmen.”.



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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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