
The Mike Church Show Episode 289: Transgenderism… Denial of Reality.

todayJanuary 25, 2017 4


Mandeville, LA – Will She Go Man And Will You The Go Carmelite – You just can’t believe some things you read these days, this story is one of them. A co-ed at the University of Michigan, conspires with a fellow males student, while on summer break, to have sex in a car. 16 months later, when “Melanie” decides that she wants to become “Michael” she asks the university to prosecute her concubine for “sexual assault” because she fears she may run into him in a MEN’S ROOM on campus. Think I’m making it up!? Are you saying “Mitter Chur, there’s no way the U of M would go along with this, the kid is innocent!” Wanna bet?: “The woman who brought the case to Michigan State authorities – intelligent, well-spoken, well-schooled in feminist theory – thinks otherwise: “I feel very secure in the fact that he did sexually assault me; he did cross a line. He did know what he was doing, even if he didn’t want to acknowledge it.” The male MSU student, whose name is redacted from official documents and changed here to Nathan, has not been charged with or convicted of a crime by local police authorities. But he has been formally disciplined for sexual harassment by MSU, under federal Title IX anti-discrimination law – a ruling that he and his family say they fear will haunt him for life, and that his lawyer says has already cost him at least one career opportunity.” The denial of Reality has now reached the ludicrous point where events that occur AFTER the fact can now determine the persecution of those involved. If I were an incorporationist I would quote the Constitution’s ban on laws that are ex post facto -after the fact. You can see where this is headed, folks: whoever chooses sexual disorder can now undo their past, a kind of Minority Report for the mentally insane. Wow…. h/t Rod Dreher


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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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