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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Told Ya So: ObamaCare Is Now As Sure As Death And The GOP Has Adopted It – The 6 year old canard that “conservatives” were going to “repeal ObamaCare” has now finally revealed itself for what it is: a “conservative” version of the same hostile takeover of the medical services industry. The “repeal and replace” scheme will cement into law the Federal monstrosity’s control over the medical industry, make Medicaid an even bigger club to bludgeon/extort the states with, make permanent “pre-existing condition” coverage and finally for an insult to young families, make permanent the provision that 26 year olds can suckle off of daddy’s (or more likely, mommy’s) health insurance teat. Senator Rand Paul of KY seems to be the only resident of Mordor that actually gets what is going on: The GOP is now DEFENDING ObamaCare exactly as I predicted they would. Why? Because they want to govern and need big programs to govern with so “conservative values” can be inserted into them. Senator Paul is having none of this deceit though we must admit he has no chance of being successful in his effort ’cause the fix is and has been in. “ObamaCare provisions dressed up in shiny new GOP-branded clothes would mean the loss of too many conservative votes for passage. But we can do the work we were sent to do. We can repeal now using the 2015 bill that United all republicans. We can immediately turn to the replace bills, with a fair, open process much like our budget. Let everyone with a plan or an amendment come forward and speak. Let’s debate, vote and put forward a transparent, fair process so that everyone on both sides of the aisle and all sides of the debate is heard.” My Prediction: 60 days from now we’ll be talking about how ObamaCare was replaced by DeceptiCONaCare.
Written by: Christopher Warshauer
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