
The Mike Church Show Episode 316 Podcast: Paul Ryan Presents: Bride Of ObamaCare

todayMarch 8, 2017 2


Mandeville, LA – DeceptiCONNED: The GOPCare Plan Is Bride Of ObamaCare – Now that the Paul Ryanistas have released their 6 years in the making alternative to ObamaCare we discover that the alleged superior powers of Republicans in matters of government were greatly exaggerated, nay, manufactured out of whole cloth. The monstrosity that Ryan et al have cobbled together is a specter of everything we already know does not work for the common good yet will work for the good of the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex that RyanCare REALLY represents. Megan McArdle at Bloomberg puts Ryan’s gambit in perspective: “Passing this bill would certainly ensure that Republicans will 100 percent own any ensuing death spiral, and will have little luck whining that it was gonna death spiral anyway, because Obamacare. In other words, even if we leave aside any policy effects, this bill will be a disaster for the long-term political fortunes of the Republican Party.” “Death spiral… disaster…political fortunes…”, uh oh, this is not going to end well for the party of Lincoln and that’s been my point the last 6 years: you CANNOT fix what is broken in a government of this size and magnitude, it is going to defy any effort to do so until the scale is corrected. More McArdle on ObamaCare Lite: “Just as Lite foods failed to keep Americans from getting fatter, the GOP version of health-care reform doesn’t fix the huge problems that currently exist in the individual market, notably the fact that thanks to Obamacare, in a few years, we might not even have an individual market.” I think Megan is attempting to frame this and be kind at the same time, a task that is not necessary because this bill is a turkey but perhaps that is a good thing simply for showing the folly of fixing “our long, national nightmare” II, Bride of ObamaCare.


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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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