
The Mike Church Show Episode 319 Podcast: The SAINT Benedict Option Is Not A Cloister, Its An Education

todayMarch 13, 2017 9


Mandeville, LA – CNN Equates Cannibals To Christians And Christians To Hindus – A new show on CNN that purports to enlighten Christian neanderthals about all the awesome “religions” we’re missing out on by not being open minded enough. The show is called “Believer” and its debut episode featured a Hindu sect profiled by host Reza Aslan that cooks and eats human brains…wait for it… that CNN filmed and the Aslan participated in. Yes, he ate a human brain on CNN’s air. What’s next for CNN, will a “religious” sect i ‘Muricah be formed to consume the remains of Planned Parenthood’s grisly “business”. Read the SF Gate story and note that the left-libs who might normally be counted on to promote this sort of barbarism are “outraged” by it, not because of the brain eating, but because Aslan didn’t do a good enough job of finding pious Hindus. Oremus…

The SAINT Benedict Option Is Not A Cloister, Its An Education – Rod Dreher’s “Benedict Option” book comes out on Wednesday amid much fanfare and controversy but at least one entity in ‘Muricah is already offering a SAINT Benedict option as in the liberal education and Christian life it requires. Here’s a sample from one of their leaders at The Imaginative Conservative. “Are the “culture wars” over? Some would say so. But if the contemporary world were simply a lost cause, the education at WCC would have a diminished merit. Even if our whole civilization is teetering on the brink of a new Dark Ages (this time with smartphones), there must be those who know a better way, and we are doing our best to educate them. The point is not abandonment of the world but finding the lost and feeding the hungry. And when in our nation’s history have there been so many who are intellectually malnourished and spiritually astray?”



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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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