
The Mike Church Show Episode 329 Podcast: The BenOp Fraud Promotes Muslim “Holiness”

todayMarch 27, 2017 6


We Kill Because We Can And Trump Continues The Ghastly Practice – We should have known something wicked this way was coming that when President Trump pegged a man nicknamed “Mad dog” to be his Secretary of Defense. For two years, this space has documented the horrific war-crimes being committed against the civilian population of Yemen with the full support of ‘Muricah’s war machine. Now comes Mattis, urging Trump to rescind an Obama Executive Order that limits our complicity in these war-crimes. “This official and several others said that Mattis and his advisers have asked for removal of President Barack Obama’s prohibitions, which would enable the military to support Emirati operations against the Houthis with surveillance and intelligence, refueling, and operational planning assistance without asking for case-by-case White House approval.” In other words, the U.S. military can assist destroying the only port that takes in humanitarian aid. How is warfare made by “The Pentagon” without Congress OR the President’s approval! Now the State department is in on the war-game too: “Early this month, the State Department approved a resumption of sales of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia.” We kill because we can and NOTHING has changed under Trump.

DeceptiCONNED: Propping Up The “Conservative Movement” Because AHCA Died – Some habits die hard, like the habit of believing in unicorns and “conservative” movements and the politicians it produces. Witness this piece from The Daily Wire, cheering on “conservatives” who prevented the AHCA from passing by finding their spines and holding the line on “no”. OK fine, but where is the wisdom or for that matter the practicality of a “conservative” health-care act? Aren’t the existences of previous acts the reason the medical services industry is in the monopoly driven shape its in? How do you fix that or is it more accurate to say there is no “fix” beyond swallowing pride and admitting that centralized government, regardless of who runs it, is the problem.

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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