
The Mike Church Show Episode 351 Podcast: Planned Parenthood Survives Paul Ryan

todayMay 2, 2017 4


Mandeville, LA –Butchered Baby Score: GOP – 0.0, Planned Parenthood $$286.479 Million – Our “conservative” heroes in Congress, fresh from their “budget victory” that keeps the sewage factory known as Mordor on The Potomac River in business ’til October of this year didn’t mention in their media appearances that they utterly failed to “defund Planned Parenthood” and appropriated $286.479 million for Title X in FY2016 and as much as $300  million which was previously requested by Dear Leader, Chairman MaObama. Let us review: there is an ELECTED Republican controlled Congress, Senate and Presidency and the ghastly practice of abortion, subsidized by U.S. tax collections continues and Moloch’s minions are whistling all the way to the butchered-baby-part-sales-bank. Planned Parenthood has stared down the enemy that was the “conservative” Congress of Paul Ryan and the latter chose not to take the field.



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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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