
The Mike Church Show Episode 392 podcast: WAR IN SYRIA? because we’re ‘Murica!

todayJune 30, 2017 15


Mandeville, LA – The Real Deplorables: Those Trumpistas Executing The U.S.’s War In Syria – I have been talking about this since McCain et al were foiled in their 2013 effort to force Dear Leader, Chairman MaObama to declare war against Syria: the Congress’s refusal to declare war only “officially” denies that war. As Philip Giraldi makes the point today: Make no mistake about it, we are AT WAR IN SYRIA and because we’re ‘Muricah, we’re deluded that it is a Just war (it is not): “Sometimes referred to as America’s “civil religion,” one can also call it “American exceptionalism” or the “leadership of the free world” or even “responsibility to protect” but the reality is that a broad consensus has developed in the United States that enables serial interventionism with hardly a squeak of protest coming from the American people.” Any flag waving Trump booster who believes that Trump’s Presidency spells an en end to the Leviathan’s tyranny, need only remember H.R. McMaster’s Wednesday confession to the world, reported by the WaPo“We have to be very clear that the reason we are in Syria is to destroy the ISIS [by] denying them a safe haven and support base [for their] perverted ideology”. Trump is but another pawn of Ba’al’s in the U.S.’s never ending wars that prop up the Industry of Death. Oremus….

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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