
The Mike Church Show Episode 395 podcast: Teen Vogue Insures Earth Will Be Visited By a Very Large Asteroid, soon

todayJuly 11, 2017 1


Mandeville, LA  – In what can only be described as “OK, what is NOW left for them to pervert” Teen Vogue Magazine has published an epic how to guide for, wait for it, Anal Sex and “How to do it RIGHT”. But don’t worry parents and morally upright citizens, there is no pressure to read the Vogue story because there’s so much other awesxome, sex advice goodness to sample. “If you’re not comfortable reading about anal sex, that’s perfectly OK too. We have plenty of other articles around a variety of issues and wellness. Feel free to click out if you’d like! No pressure at all.” No pressure at all! This from the crowd that claims “pressuring” children to keep score at baseball games has run its course. And these days there is certainly no pressure for 14 year old boys to act like something other than sex starved, porn addicted Vikings who might return to the bedroom with a girl if she’ll “take one for the team” so to speak. Message to Teen Vogue’s editor’s invetsors and now subscribers, this is your future:

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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