
Mike Church Show Segment 3 Preview

todayMarch 3, 2016 3


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Tom Mullen Conservatives and LiberalsMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“What does that mean that he’s “for America”?  What do you think that means?  Can anyone explain what “for America” means?  Does it mean bombing more people?  Does it mean taxing more people?  Does it mean robbing from more people?  Does it mean aborting more babies?  Does it mean granting to more foreigners, more foreign-born foreigners who aren’t natural-born citizens, the rights to pursue high office?  What does that mean?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let me try to relate this to the political, what we’re seeing right now with Trumpzilla having beaten and defeated Mothra on Saturday night.  Tim Carney writing at the DC Examiner:


Donald Trump has puzzled many of us here inside the Beltway. “Sui Generis,” they call him. “Unprecedented” we repeat.

Unprecedented he is, in many ways. But in some important regards, Trumpism represents a return to the norm.

We have lived through an unusually ideological half century, which culminated with Barack Obama and the Tea Party. Donald Trump’s rise reflects the revenge of non-ideological, which again, may be the historic norm in this country. . . .

The parties weren’t sorted along ideological lines until recently. Maybe it started with LBJ, but by 2010, we had achieved maximum sorting: Obamacare killed off the Blue Dogs, and the Tea Party cleared out the RINOs.

Ideological sorting makes sense to political professionals. If we spend our time working in and writing about policies and movements, we see politics in that light. We assume politics is about imposing policy views that flow from policy frameworks.

Voters are probably more ideological today than in decades past — MSNBC and Rush Limbaugh and Daily Kos and Fox News teach voters here’s what we believe. Even churches have become more ideological.

But ideology isn’t a virus that keeps spreading. It’s fairly contained. Most voters aren’t deeply ideological, most don’t have deeply held policy views on more than one issue. Politics is about something else to most people. It’s largely about identity and personality.

[end reading]

Mike:  There’s a lot of recrimination here in Carney’s piece about the end of the era of ideology.  Then when he gets to Trumpzilla, Tim Carney, who’s been a guest on this show many times, writes this:


[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

In explaining the Trump phenomenon, my AEI colleague Charles Murray recently quoted historian Richard Hofstadter: “It has been our fate as a nation not to have ideologies but to be one.” [Mike: That explains ‘Muricanism, doesn’t it? In other words, we are the ideology.]

Politicians like George W. Bush and John McCain like to say that America is an idea. But maybe that idea is just, “America!”

A billion barrels of ink have been spilled by conservatives explaining that Trump is not a conservative. Sure enough, Trump doesn’t believe in natural or constitutional limits on government power, he hasn’t read his Burke, his Kirk, his Adam Smith, or his Thomas More. Trump lacks any clear policy principles and he shows no grasp of most policy areas.

But that just makes him like most Americans. His lack of ideology makes him an odd-ball today, but he fits fine within American history, as Hofstadter points out.

“He is for America,” Erica Walters told me at a Trump rally in South Carolina. “And that’s what we need — we need someone for America. A lot of people — they don’t really understand what that means.”

[end reading]

Mike:  What does that mean that he’s “for America”?  What do you think that means?  Can anyone explain what “for America” means?  Does it mean bombing more people?  Does it mean taxing more people?  Does it mean robbing from more people?  Does it mean aborting more babies?  Does it mean granting to more foreigners, more foreign-born foreigners who aren’t natural-born citizens, the rights to pursue high office?  What does that mean?

This gets to the root of and the conceit and deceit that is involved with the problem to begin with.  If you have to reduce your state of existence down to the town that you live in, but the community, the neighborhood, even just your own house that you live in, you are confronting the reality of what your daily life is composed of, what makes up your daily life.  If you confront the reality of what makes up your daily life, please explain to me why.  Explain to me why.  Why do you need a rapacious and large and strong central state super government?  What do you need it for?

Again, if we’ve reduced our existence down to where it is that we actually live, our houses, our neighborhood, our little towns, what do you need government for?  Let me put it another way.  What can government do that Almighty God and his law can’t do?  Answer that question and you’re at the Rosetta Stone moment.  Now the light bulbs are going to go off and you’re on the way to figuring it out.  As a matter of fact, my email address,

Here’s the question again: What do you need government to do that Almighty God and God’s law can’t?  Name it.  Be specific.  Name it.  [mocking] “God can’t create money.”  God can create anything.  You want money?  I can get you money by 3:00 this afternoon.  I can get you a toe by 3:00 this afternoon, too, dude.  There’s ways you don’t want to know.  That really cuts to the chase of what it is that we must talk about.

Folks, that’s the question that the men of 1776 believed they were answering.  Leave Jefferson and other secular founders out of it.  Read John Witherspoon.  Read John Dickinson.  See what it is they thought they were doing.  They thought they were answering the question that I just asked, which is, again, put mildly and very succinctly: What is it that government can do, that you want it to do, that Almighty God and his law and the laws of nature cannot do?


I was mentioning earlier, Allan Carlson writing about this very subject, “Röpke’s Conundrums Over the Natural Family.”  [mocking] “Mike, why are you spending so much time on Röpke?”  Because we can, and because no one else will do it long form.  Instead, let’s use the medium of talk radio in order to celebrate and to promote certain candidates for the presidency.  I have no interest in the presidency.  Until you show me a devout and resolute man that’s going to elevate the law of God above the law of man, and seeks to govern as president as such, I have no interest in it, other than how can I avoid these clowns?  How can I escape the system under which we’re about to elevate another one to do what the previous ones have principally done?  [mocking] “You guys in talk radio, y’all’s good at proposing and complaining and bitching about the problem, but you never provide no answers.  You don’t give us no solutions.”  No, we give you solutions.  We give you solutions that are too uncomfortable and too vexing for people to adapt.  There are plenty of solutions.  We’re trying to deliver one right now.

iPadHave you tried the all new Veritas Radio Network yet?  You can listen to the Mike Church Show LIVE weekdays 8-11 CST.   The show is easier to access than ever before.  But Veritas Radio isn’t JUST Mike Church, try the exclusive shows by Brother Andre: ReConquest, David Simpson’s True Money, The Mark Kreslins Show, My Story of America with Michael T George, Reverse Deception with Gregory Carpenter and The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman.  Help us continue our search for TRUTH by signing up for a Founders Pass Membership today!

I’m going to skip the introduction part because we need to get to the meat and taters of this.  Speaking of Wilhelm Röpke, a man that was an economist of sorts and basically designed and was consulted by the United States, by the European allied powers after World War II on how to restore to Germany an equitable system of government and finances.


[Röpke] resolved that war “was simply the rampant essence of the state,” collectivism run amuck, and he launched his life-long “struggle against economic nationalism . . . , monopolies, heavy industry and large scale farming interests,” all of which he believed had given encouragement to the terrible conflict.

[end reading]

Mike:  Did you catch the title there, “large scale farming interests”?  What does that mean?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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