AUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Pence on Face the Nation – President Trump was wrong, he was wrong then and wrong now. I’m running for president in part b/c Trump asked me to put him over the constitution and I will chose the constitution every time.
Trump didn’t tell you to be the President of the Senate.
You chose to be the VP and that made you the President of the Senate.
We know from history that other VP’s have opened those letters up and not read those tallies aloud!
1880’s, around the turn of the 20th century and the world thought YOU were going to do it.
SCOTUS was told to be on standby and at the ready.
The Constitution wasn’t clear on if the VP didn’t even show up – Sen Chuck Grassley
Let’s go over what Pence could and could not do.
Was Paul Ryan gonna walk over from the House of Representatives and arrest you?
Who would have had the authority that day to stop Pence?
In 2021 the Nancy Congress passed an act to ensure there would never be an issue like this again.
If you did have the power SCOTUS would have acted quickly like they did when Gore tried.
If Pence had no such power, nothing would have happened right b/c he had no such power.
If Pence did have the right, then he had every right to ask for it to be USED!
See where we are going here?
Jack Smith, Merrick Garland and Joe Biden did him a favor because now Trumps lawyer gets to demand discovery!
Now Trump can ask, ‘who were you talking to Joe’?
All of this will come out in discovery.
Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network.
Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".
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