Daily Clip

Mikes Smackdown: Caller Ron Thinks Drug Legalization Will Cost Him

todayNovember 27, 2012 3

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    Mikes Smackdown: Caller Ron Thinks Drug Legalization Will Cost Him ClintStroman

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    Mikes Smackdown: Caller Ron Thinks Drug Legalization Will Cost Him ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio – Ron from Texas thinks that if we legalize drugs, drug use will go up exponetially (because no one is using drugs right now) and the taxpayer will have to pay to take care of the sudden dramatic increase in addicts. Well, that’s also assuming that the Government is the one taking care of everyone and we know that the Government sucks at healthcare. People who have health problems (like drugs and alcohol) should be taken care of by their family, friends, or the local charities like the Church, not the state and/or federal Government. Check out the rest in our daily clip…


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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. MB on November 30, 2012

    Old argument.

    Heard the same years ago about laws requiring the wearing of motorcycle helmets (FWIW, am not a motorcyclist). That people need to be forced to wear helmets, because if they don’t and get injured, the rest of us will be forced to support them.

  2. Dallon on November 28, 2012

    Not that I agree with Ron, “but” most insurance companies have psyciatric care which includes alcoholism, and drug addiction. We already pay for that stupidity.
