Military Charity For The Philippines – I Didn’t Authorize That Expenditure!
todayNovember 12, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I heard today that the United States Marine Corps was on the ground, marshaling crowds about, handing out supplies and trying to fix these things. I did not authorize the United States military, I did not extend my sovereign sphere to authorize the military to do cleanup in the Philippines. I don’t want to be taxed for it. I don’t want to become an indentured servant or experience involuntary servitude to have to repay it. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Next up, Mark in Connecticut. Mark, how you doing?
Caller Mark: Hi, Mike. Thanks for taking my call. I was listening to all these comments about Taylor of Caroline and the whole conversation. My question is how this all comes out, and I don’t really have an answer. Something happened to me that kind of sparked it. Recently I had to look for an individual policy for my wife. We got to a premium and it goes into effect by December 1st. I said: Okay, what’s going to happen next year, a year from now? She said: Well, this policy is only going to be in effect for one year, then you have to get a compliant policy. This is a high-deductible plan and you have to get a compliant policy. The premium is going to go up from like $260 to $490 if not $520. This is for a single person, high-deductible plan, like $5,000 deductible. When we were both on a policy — I’m off now. I’m on Medicare. When we were both on our policy, it was costing us $360 for a similar plan. This policy is going to end up being about 40 percent more than a plan that we used to have where both of us were covered.
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To me, it’s going to be a series of those things that are going to hit people and wake them up in a way that these conversations that we have, you and I have, your listeners have about all the things in Benghazi and all the things going on don’t seem to wake us up. I should have woken up when the gas prices went the way they are, even though we have all the gas in the ground. I should have woken up a lot of other times. It just never happens. It’s like the frog in the water. You hope today we’ll get some cooler water in the pot here and keep going. But this one issue, and commentators have been saying this, this issue is going to galvanize — what people will do with it, I don’t know. I’m thinking people are going to have to — of course, when you don’t buy the insurance and you sit there and the IRS hits you, it’s not going to be in an open court room. It’s going to be an administrator recasting your tax return and saying you have to pay a penalty because you don’t have insurance. That’s happening in the back room. You get a letter in the mail and you’re hit. Sooner or later, people are going to start sitting up and saying: Geez, we gotta do something. Again, usually I have a good answer for things and something to add, but today I don’t. I like your comment that in light of that going way back to the starting point where the sovereignty resides, how do we get the sovereignty in action, not residing with us but in action with us?
Mike: Take it back. There’s only one way that I know of. Take it back.
Caller Mark: But Mike, even the take it back, go back to that episode I said when the IRS is there whacking you, it’s not the IRS, it’s Mr. Jones from the IRS who’s re-casted your tax return and said this is the amount you owe now.
Mike:But it’s not really the IRS. It’s Congress. The IRS can’t do it without Congress saying it’s the law and they have to do it.
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Caller Mark: I’m with you.
Mike:Then, is the IRS agent going to be allowed into sovereign territory in Louisiana to come and arrest the individual that has refused to pay, come and commandeer the individual? Those are questions to be answered among the states.
Caller Mark:I see that scene playing out. I can see it. That’s when the boots hit the ground, that there would be that contest at that point.
Mike:First of all, you haven’t lost — I don’t think there’s any way — if you can lose your sovereignty, you can lose your soul. I don’t think you lose your soul until you become metaphysically challenged and enter into the next. You never lost your sovereignty. Your ability and your God-given right to exercise and own your sovereignty has been impeded. It has been artificially directed towards agents that many of us did not hire, consecrate or authorize to exercise that sovereignty. Let me give you an example. Are you familiar with what’s going on in the Philippines today? Let me tie this to a modern event. You know what happened in the Philippines, right?
Caller Mark:Sure, yeah, sure.
Mike: Horrific, tragic hurricane. The news media is full of all these stories. What makes the Philippines story interesting and what makes it an easy sell for big media is that the Filipinos, by and large, speak English. They speak pretty good English, and there’s a reason for that. I heard today that the United States Marine Corps was on the ground, marshaling crowds about, handing out supplies and trying to fix these things. I did not authorize the United States military, I did not extend my sovereign sphere to authorize the military to do cleanup in the Philippines. I don’t want to be taxed for it. I don’t want to become an indentured servant or experience involuntary servitude to have to repay it.
Let me explain. That does not mean, though, that I don’t want to help the Filipinos. My definition of Christian charity is that some of us are going to have to get on a boat or plane and carry our carcasses over there and do cleanup. We’re actually going to have to raise money in our communities and find someone over there, maybe a Catholic church or another Christian church — there are a lot of Catholic churches there. They’re probably more Catholic than we are. Find churches to send the money to and they will do the help. Some of us, as I said, are going to have to go. It doesn’t mean we don’t want to do the charity. My sovereignty says if I want to perform that charity, I did not accord this out-of-control, illegitimate government action. You are not acting as my agent in this endeavor. Some people may say: Maybe I want him to. Then you ought to amend the Constitution to say that the United States Army, while it’s being funded for those two-year periods, acts as a global force for good, that it’s an international charity outfit. That’s an example of an extension of sovereignty that has not been authorized.
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Caller Mark:I hear you, but as Wilkow points out, we live in a paradigm where it’s either aid or nihilism. In other words, the immediate response when you first started talking, I promise you listeners: My God, you can’t say you don’t care. Of course, that’s not what you said. The thinking is either we send the Marines or we don’t care and nobody is going, which is a way of thinking, and a prevalent way of thinking, I think.
Mike: It’s a corrupt way of thinking. It is devoid of the spirit of Christian charity. If you think the military ought to be doing it, then you’re certainly not espousing what I would call Christian charity. If you think you are, I’d like to see one of the apostles or one of the early great saints of the church like Augustine or St. Thomas Aquinas, I’d like to see the writing that the Roman praetorian was charged with doing missionary work in what was then the Anglo world. I’m getting off the subject. Yes, Wilkow is right. What is reality and what is our wish are two different things; however, that is contingent mostly upon a definition of charity that has been perverted to the point where it’s not charity any longer. It is basically forced wealth redistribution. You can call it charity if you want. You are confiscating part of my wealth, without my permission, without my authority. [mocking] “You are when you agree to taxes.” You can agree to be taxed and not agree with the way the taxes are used, or maybe I don’t agree. You are being taxed then and having your wealth taken from you and it is going to be used for what is implied to be a charitable cause, all the while I doubt there is an awful lot of Christian charity or thought of Christian charity that is actually being doled out. We know this from some of the teachings of Christ. That Sermon on the Mount has a little bit about that in there, doesn’t it?
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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