
Military Expansion Is Now Jobs Creation

todayJanuary 24, 2013 16


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So the military-industrial complex is now fully bared for all to see.  There’s one surefire way to see to it that your wives, your sisters, and your daughters are never conscripted and are never allowed to serve in a combat role, that is to assert your sovereignty as a state, go your own way, and field your own damn military.  Make it a rule.  Anyone who doesn’t like it, you can move to another state.  How about that? Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Purchase The War on Drugs is a War on Freedom signed by the Mr. Vance!

Mike:  I posted a little blurb on this last night.  It’s on the website at about this women in combat determination by the Obama administration.  I just want to go through some of the tweets.  Robert Mielman tweets: “Equal-opportunity orphaning, brought to you proudly by liberal Demoncrats.”  Robert, I didn’t hear any Republicans protesting mightily about this.  As a matter of fact, their warfare state now necessitates the next logical step.  Equality is the buzzword these days.  Of course you’re going to find your daughters in military service, regardless of whether or not they’re qualified to do so.

As a matter of fact, we should start training them from the get-go.  Those all-boy boarding schools we see in the movies, there needs to be all-girl boarding schools now.  They need to undergo the same rigorous, military-style training the boys undergo with an eye on teaching little girls how to effectively kill, just like we teach little boys.  Now our warfare state has come full circle, hasn’t it, my friends?  Brandon Woodson tweets: “You know we’re in trouble when massive military expansion is sold as job creation like Rachel Maddow just suggested.”  Bingo!  There are others.  I look forward to seeing your tweets,  Looking at this Yahoo News story, “Women in combat: Will they have to register for the draft?”


“The answer to that question is clearly yes,” says Anne Coughlin, a law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville. “The legal argument is clear: If it comes to that kind of wrenching emergency where we have to press young people into service, there is no legal justification for saying that men alone need to shoulder that burden.”  [Mike:  Oh yes, there is. If there’s civilian control of the military and if the civilians say that their women and daughters are not going into combat roles, madam, yes, there absolutely is and can be a legal prescription. Law is what we say law is.]

Once the combat exclusion policy is lifted, “My belief is that if we open up combat arms to women, even on a voluntary basis, if there is a draft, we should be able to force women into those positions,” says retired Col. Peter Mansoor, a professor of military history at the Ohio State University in Columbus [Mike: Notice they can’t find a solitary male that opposes this.] “If women are acceptable to serve in combat, they are acceptable to serve whether they volunteer or not. [Mike: Now we have forced coercion of females. Ladies, congratulations, you now get to participate in unconstitutional drafts just as young men do.] You can’t have the frosting on the cake and not the cake underneath,” he says.

Legal precedent backs this up, adds Professor Coughlin, who has advised plaintiffs in lawsuits to overturn the Pentagon’s combat exclusion policy – in particular a US Supreme Court case in 1981, Rostker v. Goldberg. In that suit, men argued that the draft is unconstitutional because only men are required by law to register. The Supreme Court rejected the premise of the lawsuit. “The court ruled that the Selective Service process is designed to assemble combat-ready people, and right now women are excluded from combat arms,” Coughlin says. “Therefore they can’t participate in the very thing that the draft is for. Hence, it’s appropriate and constitutional to continue to exclude women from the draft.”

[end reading]

Mike:  Which is it?  Are they admitting then that it’s a jobs program?  So the military-industrial complex is now fully bared for all to see.  There’s one surefire way to see to it that your wives, your sisters, and your daughters are never conscripted and are never allowed to serve in a combat role, that is to assert your sovereignty as a state, go your own way, and field your own damn military.  Make it a rule.  Anyone who doesn’t like it, you can move to another state.  How about that?  I suppose this is just the inexorable course of history as our constitution and our government continues to expand to include and do every foolhardy, unimaginable thing that man has ever concocted.  It is almost as though we are witnessing and watching a real-life scripted comedy right in front of our very eyes, where at the end of the comedy there is nothing left to laugh about, only tragedy and ruin.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. JTWilliams on January 25, 2013

    Oh yeah, there’s no doubt. Our elected sugar-daddies…I mean Reps…have created the largest, most well-funded federal work program in the history of mankind in the US military. Even the ads have gotten more honest “a global force for good”… they dont even pretend to be about the security of the American people anymore, the commercials are about “being the first to respond to the sound of tyranny”??? Are you kidding me? So THIS, Obama’s America in 2013, is liberty? And our brave government is going to shove/shake-down all the other bullies on the block
