
Miracles Do Happen-I Don’t Think The Heavy Stuff’s Comin’ Down For Awhile Yet!

todayJune 27, 2017 9


Mandeville, LA – Running the CRUSADE Channel radio station and Veritas Radio network network is the biggest challenge I’ve ever undertaken. EVER. Recently, the financial demands have become particularly burdensome just as the on-air and online product has peaked to its greatest status/ease of use since our launch. At every juncture when doom seems imminent, God provides a lift that nearly always comes out of nowhere.. totally unexpected. After our somewhat disappointing trek to Orlando for the 2nd Annual Women’s Pro Life Conference, a pall was settling over us…how would we make it THIS time!?

While I still don’t know how, I do know that my anguished cry to God for direction has been answered. And Boy Howdy what an answer!

When Maggie O’Connell and I got back to the CRUSADE studios today, Young Christopher helped us unpack the gear and unsold wares. After this he pointed out “Mr. Mike, a registered mail package came for you on Friday, and you got a card from Father Jambon”. After reading Father’s enjoinder to stay the course, regardless of cost! I opened the padded envelope from new Founder’s Pass Member Mark Trieger. I am still in shock and humble of awe of what was inside, shown in the photos below.

It’s not every day or year or decade or lifetime that a Catholic is blessed with the reception of ANY first class relic from ANY beloved Saint. I daresay, I would be content waiting in The Faith, and my vocation, never even seeing a first class relic from an Apostle. But being GIVEN ONE…no strings attached… specifically FOR the longevity and success of the CRUSADE Channel!?


Pinch me. I’m dreaming right? Mirabile Dictu! (speak of Miracles!)

Now all the Memorare’s, Rosaries, direct please to God in Our Lord’s name for guidance have at the least been spiritually answered and with Saint Luke The Apostle as a new, added patron Saint, we humbly anticipate, our apostolate’s viability through AN Apostle!

Please share this story with all you know, especially those who mock the patient appeals so many make for the intercession of The Saints and Our Lady. I never miss a day, praying for the CRUSADE Channel’s patron Saints, Saint Pope Pius X and Saint Joseph for their intercession and guidance. Young Christopher Warshauer’s summary of all this is a fitting end to this chapter of our story:

“EVERYTHING went so well this weekend because he (Saint Luke) was sitting in here the whole time, I can’t wait for tomorrow!”

Click this link to see that all did NOT go so well but perhaps Saint Luke wants to enter our apostolate with a boom! I’ll say that being able to share with so many new listeners, the story of Lacey and Christian Buchanan is a great start! Who will join us next?! If our endeavor has motivated 17 men to become CRUSADER level sponsors and now at least one to commit Holy relics of an apostle to our success, won’t YOU join us?

Mike Church

Founder-The CRUSADE Channel and Veritas Radio Network

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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