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Mitt As Our Chief Businessman

todayAugust 31, 2012 10

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    Mitt As Our Chief Businessman ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – Were I still a 2006 version of me, a neocon, warmongering, bombing anyone into the stone ages that dares to get in our way even if they don’t get in our way, a believer in right-wing central economic planning and enterprise zones, were I still of the decepticon, fraud conservative mindset, I would be overjoyed, ebullient, crying tears of joy this morning.  What they put on in the last four days was exactly what you would expect.  I don’t think very many of the people that were there took away from it that politics is a business, as I described it, that we were watching The Industry.  Last night you saw The Chairman give his acceptance speech and he’ll run The Industry. Check out today’s audio and transcript for more…

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    Mitt As Our Chief Businessman ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

[start audio clip]

Mitt Romney: Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, “I’m an American.  I make my destiny.  We deserve better.  My children deserve better.  My family deserves better.  My country deserves better.  [cheers and applause]  So here we stand.  Americans have a choice, a decision.  To make that choice, you need to know more about me and where I’d lead our country.  Four years ago, I know that many Americans felt a fresh excitement about the possibilities of a new president.  That choice was not the choice of our party, but Americans always come together after elections.  We’re a good and generous people.  We’re united by so much more than what divides us.  When that election was over, when the yard signs came down and the television commercials finally came off the air, Americans were eager to go back to work, to live our lives the way Americans always have: optimistic and positive and confident in the future.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Are we always optimistic and confident in the future?  There’s that entrepreneurial spirit.  There’s almost that “I am going to require of you punctuality and attempts at perfection in all of your dealings, including those in business, fellow citizen.”  That’s kind of what I’m hearing.  Are you hearing that?  In the 15 minutes, and I actually did hear up to that point — my iPhone cut off right at what you were playing.  I did hear that one.  That’s some of the back story from Mitt that I was getting as well, about all the inspirational speeches he gave to all these companies.  Are we going to get an inspirational speech and challenge on January 21st, “You better get to work and you better get back to work fast, buddy.  You better do it well.  Business is the business of America”?

I just wanted to say a couple things and then we’ll open this all up to discussion.  Were I still a 2006 version of me, a neocon, warmongering, bombing anyone into the stone ages that dares to get in our way even if they don’t get in our way, a believer in right-wing central economic planning and enterprise zones, were I still of the decepticon, fraud conservative mindset, I would be overjoyed, ebullient, crying tears of joy this morning.  What they put on in the last four days was exactly what you would expect.  I don’t think very many of the people that were there took away from it that politics is a business, as I described it, that we were watching The Industry.  Last night you saw The Chairman give his acceptance speech and he’ll run The Industry.

I doubt very many people that haven’t unplugged the matrix cable from the back of their head, taken the founding fathers red pill are going to pick up on much of that.  For our long-term audience that has taken eight solid weeks of the founders’ pill, you already knew this.  You heard this and you were already onto what I just said, so I don’t need to explain this to you.  For new listeners that are coming here for the first time for commentary, yes, were I a decepticon, a purported conservative, I’d be pretty high on the hog here today.  I think they put on a phenomenal show.  If this is the calling card they can send out there to the American electorate, I think a lot of people are going to bite.  I think a lot of people are going to say, “Yeah, that sounds a lot better than the crap that Obama and Biden and the rest of the Dumbocrats are serving up.”  For motivating the base, yeah, they get a giant checkmark there.  Did they motivate the vaunted independent out there or the vaunted Reagan Democrat?  I think to a degree they did.  I’d say mission accomplished.

Some of the carping that’s coming from our friends at American Conservative Magazine, some of this just assumes that there are more of us than there are out there.  The fact of the matter is there aren’t.  It’s almost like I described after taking daily doses for eight solid weeks of the founding fathers red pill by listening to this program, reading some of the material that we refer you to, going back to source material, considering things, becoming a critical thinker, once again, it’s like you’re watching the movie, an old movie from the 1990’s called They Live.  You’re in the They Live movie.  You’re one of the few people that can see the monsters that are all around you.  You can see through all the BS.  You don’t believe in any of the promises of central economics or central war planning or central education planning or central healthcare planning.  You just know that it doesn’t work, does not produce the results, and it impoverishes people along the way.  For those of us of that variety, not so much last night.  You may at least now be comfortable.

Let me close with this.  I believe Mitt Romney to be a good — you people that are sitting out there with your fingertips on your Twitter feeds and emails, just back off for a minute.  What I’m about to say is going to make many of you go out there and stop typing.  [mocking] “I got him now.”  One, this isn’t about me, this is about Mitt.  Two, just chill out and think about it for a moment, seriously.  I have no question in my mind, after learning a little bit last night, after watching with temperance and humility, or listening on the radio, and from what I already knew, that the man that we know as Mitt Romney, I have no doubt that he is a good, fine, virtuous, Christian gentleman.  Christian is the part that’s going to throw some of you to your keyboards.  Just save it.  Nobody cares.  He is a good, fine, decent, Christian gentleman.  For that he gets points, and he should get points.  It may mean on things that he is not totally convicted and sure about, maybe he will err on the side of Christian, gentlemanly virtue.  That’s a plus.  Knowing that, were I to cast a ballot for Romney-Ryan, I would cast it based upon that hope, as hope does spring eternal.  I will say that I do not feel, after watching the other man for four years and other team of vicious, vagabond liars, that there’s a Christian gentleman among them.  Having said that, Andrew, that is my very qualified endorsement of Mitt Romney, and that’s all you’re going to get.  Don’t call me up about policy because you’re going to get what you got yesterday.

AG:  Do you think with what you just said, in terms of Mitt by all accounts being an all-around good guy, is that part of the reason why in the speeches last night, particularly Rubio and Romney, the theme of not attacking in a mean-spirited, lowdown way the Obama administration and what they’ve done over the past four years, but instead approaching it from an angle of “We’re not satisfied.  We’re saddened by what the country has gone through,” and using that theme of “We Can Do Better,” does that play into the idea of Governor Romney just being a good guy in general?

Mike:  That’s what I just said.  He gets the good guy vote.

AG:  Does our audience agree with that?

Mike:  No.

AG:  Do you think that wins over independents?

Mike:  No.

AG:  If our audience is pretty much conservative, whether or not they support Romney is another idea, but if the Republicans are trying to attract the independent voters, does that swing people?  Were there people swung last night by Governor Romney’s speech?

Mike:  Call him Mitt.  He’s Mitt.

AG:  I’ve got to get used to that.

Mike:  As I said, you heard the best that I have to say about Mitt.  I mean that in all sincerity.  He’ll get the Christian gentleman nod.  I think there’s something to be said for that.  However, the idea here that a businessman that can count staples better or paperclips better than Obama or better than someone else is going to be able to do, for what is not a business — this is what drives me insane.  The general government and government in general are not businesses.  Why do you want government to do things that business does when you can have business do them and if somebody fails it’s on them and they have to eat it?

This idea that we need corporate businessmen in there to run government so it runs like a business, it’s not a business.  Businesses don’t secure my liberties.  Businesses don’t make treaties with nations that want to blow us from the face of the planet, governments do.  Businesses don’t enforce Articles 1 through 10 of what we know as the Bill of Rights, the general government does.  It’s supposed to secure domestic tranquility by what?  Repelling alien invaders.  That’s what it’s supposed to do.  I don’t want it to plan my economy.  I don’t want it to do any of those other things.  It is not why we have government.  It is certainly not what we have today as government.  The idea that you need someone in there that can run government like a business is on its service and in and of itself a cop out.  You want government control of the means of production?  You want government to then begin operating as though — yes, it can choose some winners and losers, as well as we have the guy who ran Bain Capital choosing the winners and losers.  You’re going to lose that argument to the socialists every time.  You’re going to lose that argument.

So last night, obviously there was a gambit.  Let’s present Mitt as a nice gentleman down the street that always helped the widow Jenkins take out her trash, was always there when new people moved into a house, that was always there when a child went missing to help find them, whatever the Christian charity and philanthropy that you heard last night.  Not only that, but he’s a really good businessman.  That’s what we’re running on here.  That’s what we’re presenting to the public.  Will it work?  I don’t know.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Don Collins on September 1, 2012

    I will vote for him, for no other reason than I can’t vote for Obama. I still stand by the fact the tyranny by the lesser is still tyranny, the fact is we have the responsibility to vote unless your going to rebel and secede your life to the first worst option. Thats life my friends, and until we build a base that will move to one state and through building at a local level, fundamentaly change that community and later that state to a goverement based on the constitution as we believe it should be (and really, talk to all the we’s and you will find not nearly as many like minded folks as you may think we have) and seceed from the union, then you have a duty to the future of your family and the country they live in to vote. This really stinks for me, as I live in Illinois, so I know my vote won’t matter in the electoral college, but it will be cast.

  2. Jeff Johnson on August 31, 2012

    Dear Mike, I think you have hit is square on the head. Mitt appears to be a genuinely nice guy. Is that enough to sway my vote to him. Ahhhh no. I can not support his big government leanings. Thank you for your excellent analysis. Sincerely J. Johnson

    • TheKingDude on September 1, 2012

      Jeff, thanks for your post. The Mitt as good guy campaign has a chance at victory albeit a slim one. I would advocate a peace-immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan – plank and rub Obama’s nose in his imperialism.
