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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Monday Pile of Prep TheKingDude
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Mandeville, LA — Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the U.S. SpyFare State’s Patriot Act which has killed self-government plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “There is always one escape: into wickedness. Always do the thing that will shock and wound people. At five, throw a little boy off a bridge, strike an old doctor across the face with a whip and break his spectacles — or, at any rate, dream about doing such things. Twenty years later, gouge the eyes out of dead donkeys with a pair of scissors. Along those lines you can always feel yourself original. And after all, it pays! It is much less dangerous than crime.” – George Orwell on Salvador Dali’s Autobiography
Monday Pile of Prep TheKingDude
VIDEO: Patrick J Buchanan drops a Churchian bombshell on McLaughlin Group: “…whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally in America now.“
VIDEO: Senator Bob Corker doesn’t know what NSA is doing!? If members of the U.S. Senate do not know the extent of what the NSA is or is not spying on how can there be ANY form of representative government!?
The Spy Who Loved Me – NSA creeps spied on their own spouses and “love interests” using the techniques we were told were only for “tracking and stopping terrorists”. I’ve heard of Bridezilla but Bride Queda!?
Never fear, DecepiCONS!, John Bolton will not “sit idly by” as “isolationists” plunge “America into irrelevance”
CFR President Richard Haas wants the WORLD to respond “directly” and in a “meaningful” manner to Syria’s chemical weapon usage which I take to mean make certain Assad is overthrown so we can work our Libyan/Iraqi/Egyptian magic in that country’s new government. His plea for action on chemical weapons, if undertaken, nearly guarantees those weapons fall into al Queda’s hands
That’s a bitter pill to swallow Mr McCain. The American sheople are getting at least 1 thing right, they are VERY opposed to entering another war in Syria
The only thing left for Christian patriots to do is trust in Him, practice the faith you claim to believe in and seek the Lord’s Grace in opposing the creeping evil in our culture and governments
VIDEO: Nothing to see here Marylanders, move along. MD House of Delegates votes to punish the OWNER of a stolen gun, if the gun is used to commit a crime! So if someone breaks in your home, steals your gun and shoots somebody with it, YOU are going to be held accountable with a minimum FIVE year sentence!
HuffPo treads where only [r]epublicans and Libertarians have tread, into Austrian School economics, wondering why Mises, Hayek, Roepke and others are not being called upon to solve the debt crisis?
Millenials pitch biggest bitch session ever recorded-complain mightily about their “work” that doesn’t actually require any “work” be done
Syrian winermakers keep cranking out the product despite the “civil-war” raging all around them
Normally, President Obama cannot keep silent when racially motivated acs are alleged: Trayvon Martin killing, Henry Louis Gates arrest at Harvard etc but our Dear Leader has been strangely quiet about the death of a young, white Australian baseball player in OK who was killed because he was white by “bored” blacks. OK’s governor wonders when Obama will pipe up
WaPo’s Dana Milbank throws himself, and the generation I belong to-what he calls “Generation X,” under the bus deems us “the weakest generation
When Eric Holder is not busy harassing Louisiana for implementing its school voucher program, maybe he’ll find time for racism in OK
TIC: Where is the “gentlemanness” in PRO football asks Steven Klugewitz? The babseball diamond seems to have stuck to it’s honorable traditions, so why not football? I would add, what about DINNER!? Where’s the gentleman-like behavior at the dinner table at home AND in public
The British army did us a favor by burning DC down in 1814, maybe we should ask them to do it again on the bicentennial!?
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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