Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

todayJanuary 5, 2014 7

The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of SPirit of '76, available NOW
The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of Spirit of ’76, 20 copies available NOW

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest [r]epublican news, reading selections and Mike’s take on things. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“The Framers adopted the Declare War Clause when considering a proposal from their Committee on Detail that empowered Congress to ‘make war.’ The critical point in the debate came when Madison, joined by Elbridge Gerry, moved to substitute “declare war” for “make war,” while “leaving to the Executive the power to repel sudden attacks.” That statement suggests that they understood their proposal of “declare war” to require congressional action before going to war, except in the case of sudden attacks when there was no time. If they believed the executive could start wars at will, there was no need to make a special point about the executive’s power to repel attacks.” –  Mad about Yoo, or, Why Worry about the Next Unconstitutional War? Stuart Streichler

Mike Church’s Founders Pass announces anytime, no limits discount program. Take 20% off purchases off most Founders Tradin Post purchases with your Founders Pass.

VIDEO: Our era’s obsession with race distinction has ended many reasonable political debates we should be having – like on the size and makeup of the Union – and now its promoters have experienced that the purity of thought policing they have promoted can be applied to them. See Melissa Harris Perry weep on-air over an ill-advised comment she made about one of Mitt Romney’s grandkids.

The EMPIRE Ices Back – Why does the United States Coast Guard feel obliged to claim they “are duty bound” to sail the length of the globe and rescue Chines & Russian sailors stuck in Antarctice Ice? Did we claim Antarctica as a territory? If the Greeks find the submerged lost city of Atlantis and some Greek divers get stuck in it while exploring is the U.S. Coast Guard “duty bound” to go and rescue them? The only duty the U.S. Coast Guard has is to patrol the territorial waterers of the United States if Congress orders them to. Has Congress authorized the Coast Guard to act as ice breaker policeman of the world?

The Icing on AlGore’s Cake: 71, 2013 studies show that the sun, NOT Co2 is responsible for dramatic climate change. Several of these papers predict a new, “Little Ice-Age level event will occur by the middle of the 21st century

Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now!

[private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK] John Yoo produced a memo for President B usb 43 that purported to make a Constitutional case for the President’s unilateral war making powers. This essay is the best, most detailed, historical answer to Yoo’s ridiculous and destructive argument, used by Bush and now Obama Download

Mad About Yoo by Stuart Streichler

An Englishman, James Spence, wrote a book in November of 1861 that argued the case FOR secession and AGAINST the Union’s case. His reflections on the usefulness of union are profound Washington Irving was a writer without equal, who felt compelled to biography his namesake. This “Student Edition” of his 5 volume bio of Washington is just thrilling to read. Paoul Anderson’s tale of time travel is an insightful reminder that our ancestors were as smart if not smarter than we are and in complete control of their technology

There’s no better long form reading project than getting familiar with John Taylor of Caroline’s “Tyranny Unmasked” quite possibly the best tract ever written on the subject of what he called “protection” but what we call “corporatism”

What did the English think of the North’s ridiculous claims that the Confederate States 1. Could not secede 2.Were never sovereign & Independent and 3. Were justified in their defense of themselves? Read all about it, start on p. 650

H.L. Mencken is worth reading on many topics but especially on Gettsyburg, you will find his entire critique of Lincoln’s “Gospel” beginning on page 173

The biography of Albert Gallatin is worth knowing and this “American Statesman” book on him is a good start John Taylor of Caroline was the most influential [r]epublican voice of his day and his work remains as  necessary reading.

This essay by the great Joseph Stromberg, first published in 1982, explains Taylor’s [r]epublicanism and libertarian thought, unlike any other American of his time

S.J. Quinn’s The History of Fredericksburg, VA is a most thrilling historical walk through 18th & 19th century American history &b includes episodes from 1776, 1798 and 1861

One of the most accomplished yet little know Founder AND Christian Gentlemen was John Randolph of Roanoke, I am researching him for reference and for a good volume on his life to republish, this one is rare and good [/private]

FLASHBACK to “Times That Try Mens Souls”, Mike’s latest feature length docudrama – The Widow Who Saved The Revolution, who was she? the mystery is finally revealed. This woman took the Hessian Colonel Donop into her home of Dec., 23rd and kept him there until December 27th, long enough to prevent him reinforcing Trenton, NJ and squashing Washington’s Crossing Page 42 from the autobiography of the Mike Church Show Band "Anthology" Cell Mates Snowden & Clapper!?

Rand Paul asks every citizen with a cell-phone to join a class action lawsuit filed against the NSA for warrantless wiretapping, meanwhile he doesn’t think Edward Snowden should spend his life behind bars or at the end of a noose. “Lying to Congress is a felony, and I don’t think we can pick and choose the law. You’ve got all of these people, like James Clapper and others, beating the table and saying ‘We want to put Edward Snowden in jail for life,’ and yet they don’t want the law applied to themselves? The law has to be applied equally.”

I wonder who Mark Levin thinks he is defaming by referring to unnamed “neo-confederates” who are stuck on this silly idea of “nullification.” After all, he informs us, “Nullification” does’t appear anywhere in the Constitution or in the ratifying conventions (it actually does just not called “nullification”) so it can’t be legitimate much less constitutional. Funny, I can’t find “Israel” in any of those documents yet Levin seems to think the Constitution guarantees them a share of my wealth and my daughters blood for its defense.

Former DHS commandant Janet Napolitano declares Edward Snowden beyond the reach of Presidential clemency then thunders loudly about the sanctity of our King sending homosexual or other politically antagonistic members of our “delegation” to the Winter Olympics. Where is it written that Presidents can appoint their own private delegations to international SPORTING events?

FLASHBACK: Bill Kaufmann’s splendid rebuke to the “conservatism” of George W Bush and his courtiers (DeceptiCONS), written during the Iraq War. “…conservatism is now linked with war, interventionism, and imperialism”

NOMOCRACY IN POLITICS: Kevin Gutzman reviews the new book “The Age of Strict Constructionism” by Peter Zavodnyik. The book covers the rarely discussed fact that the Constitution is what failed the Southern States and thus the Union by the election of Lincoln. Gutzman concludes “For all its flaws, Zavodnyik’s account of this crucial development is worth reading.”

Ron Paul wants to know why the same arrogant “interventionists” who got us involved in Iraq through their war should have any credibility seeing as how Al Queda has now moved INTO Iraq and we are now spending tens of millions per month to stop their spread while the Iraqi death toll continues to rise

VIDEO: Climate Depot’s Marc Morano demolishes Sierra Club President in CNN on-air debate over “climate change”. Note the Sierra Club’s reliance on the term “Climate Change” now as opposed to the former “Global Warming” Some DeceptiCONS will just never be able to let go of their arrogant bellicosity in foreign affairs with Tom Rogan claiming they the world is a MORE dangerous place now than when MADD was in play

Mish: The battle to Recapture Fallujah FROM Al Queda shows utter failure of Bush’s Iraq War (see Mad About Yoo above for more) Patrick J. Buchanan wants to know why we as a “nation” [emphasis mine] refuse to let go of treaty responsibilities for countries no longer threatened by the USSR or the real Chairman Mao

Gallup Poll: And the most dangerous nation on Earth is? If you guessed Russia or China, you must be a DeceptiCON, go back to the top of this post and start reading from there and guess again

LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: Pro patria, pro liberis, pro aris atque focis suis certare – Tp fight for our country, for our children, for our altars and for our hearths

Brion McClanahan: Thomas Paine and his “Crisis” breathed life into Washington’s near dead campaign for the “Glorious Cause” in December, 17776

Order Mike's "Founding of America" Trilogy, 3 CD sets featuring over 9 hours of family friendly entertainment
Order Mike’s “Founding of America” Trilogy, 3 CD sets featuring over 9 hours of family friendly entertainment

Here is an essay that tries to raise storm flags over an Article V Amendment Convention. It is well written and heavy on the “runaway convention” claim made so infamous by the John Bircher Society. In response I will add that Ms. Rufino’s points are well taken but we must all be reminded that our “republic” is not a republic any longer and the risk of doing nothing is as gave as the risk of attempting an Article V fix. Nullification is solid, constitutional remedy for some of our political travails but the damage down to our culture by political consolidation can only be undone by a change of course, kneecapping the monster will only slow it down

The KY ObamaCare exchange issues Senator Rand Paul’s son a Medicaid policy when his family makes 5 times the maximum limit for a subsidy

Seattle’s mayor signs council ordinance declaring minimum wage at $15 per hour in that fair city. Like it or not this is [r]epublicanism at work and if the Seattle laws of economic deniers wish to subsidize entry level work and make it executive, let them reap the rewards!

SAY it isn’t so. The NFL fines Seahawks Marshawn Lynch because he did NOT talk to “the media” all season. So Lunch sat down and gave effusive, inspiring answers to 1 reporters tough questions like “Do you think you’ll have a big game next week [against the Saints]”. Wow, I don’t know about you but I am certainly glad that corporate America feels compelled to force “celebrities” to talk to the media that creates them out of thin air

Written by: TheKingDude

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